Friday, July 31, 2015

Joshua 1:8 - True Success and Prosperity is Applying God's Word to Your Everyday Life

“This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.”

Joshua 1:8

Who doesn’t want to have good success? Who doesn’t want their way to be prosperous? To be successful and prosperous we need the Book of the Law to be upon our mouths. To have it upon our mouths we have to have it in our hearts. We need to meditate on it day and night. And we need not only observe it but do according to all that is written in it. This means that we have to apply it to our everyday lives. It is not enough to just read the Bible. It is not enough to just know it. It has to be in our bloodstream. To have it in our bloodstream means that we must, first, read the Bible on a regular basis. Then we need to continue to read it. The Israelite's had to eat the manna from heaven each and every day. God wanted their manna to be fresh, not stale. We need a fresh Word from God each and every day as well. The Lord’s Prayer says “Give us this day, our daily bread.” When God gives us our daily bread for the day, then we are to meditate on it. We are to meditate on it day and night. Meditating on it will help us to not only observe it but it will also help us have the power in Christ to believe it and do it. It will be “at home” in our hearts and it will make a difference in our lives. Reading the Bible is worthless if it doesn’t lead us to obey it by following through with what it says. Seek God today. Ask Him for a verse to ponder on. Then apply to your very life. He will be glad to steer you in the right direction. Then your way will be prosperous, and you will have good success. Glory be to God.

Father, may the Book of the Law not depart from our mouths. May the Book of Law be in our hearts. May we meditate on it day and night. May we observe and do according to all that is written in it. Thank You for the promise that if we do this then You will make our way prosperous. Not only that, but You promise us that we will have good success. Thank You, Lord, for Your Word and promises. It makes such a difference in our lives. We love You! In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

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