Monday, August 3, 2015

Deuteronomy 3:28 - We should encourage and strengthen our brethren

“But command Joshua, and encourage him and strengthen him; for he shall go over before his people, and he shall cause them to inherit the land which you will see.”

Deuteronomy 3:28

We each have a job to do for the Lord, and each of us need to be encouraged and strengthened from time to time. Without the encouragement and strengthening of our brothers and sisters in the Lord from time to time, we may get discouraged and feel like we should give up. Moses was a man of God. Even though he was a man of God, he was forbidden to enter the promised land. God had called Joshua to lead them to the promised land instead. Moses could see the land, but he could not enter it. Moses knew that Joshua was to lead them there, and Moses was supposed to be the one to encourage and strengthen him.

I once heard a story about the famous baseball legend, Lou Gehrig. When he was first starting his baseball career, he went into a slump and almost quit. One of his friends heard about it and went to him. Lou Gehrig poured his heart out to his friend. His friend listened. After a while, his friend began to encourage Lou by telling him that he was a good hitter. He told him that every good hitter gets into slumps from time to time. This was okay. He told him that when you get into a slump eventually you will out of it. The next day, Lou started hitting the ball well again. Over the next eleven games he had twenty-two hits. Six of those hits were home runs. From there, his career took off.

Lou had a good friend. Thank God Lou had that friend. That friend made a difference in the outcome of Lou’s life. Because of that one friend’s encouragement, Lou got out of his slump and he even went on to become one of the greatest ballplayers that ever lived. Who around you could use you as a friend today? Who could you encourage, strengthen, and build up in their most holy of faith? Ask the Lord to bring someone to mind if no one comes to mind. Then reach out to them. They aren’t meant to walk their walk alone. Your loving care and concern for them may just be what they need. Who knows, you may even be blessed as well.

Lord, use us all to bless and encourage the body of Christ. Reveal to us anyone that may be in a slump spiritually. Give us an opportunity to listen to them and to give them words of life. Deliver them from their slump and move them onward. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

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