Thursday, August 6, 2015

2 Corinthians 13:11 - God is a God of love and peace

“Become complete. Be of good comfort, be of one mind, live in peace; and the God of love and peace will be with you”

2 Corinthians 13:11

God wants us to be complete. We can only be complete if we are complete in Him. God wants us to be of good comfort. We can only be of good comfort if we have Him. God wants us to be of one mind. We can only be of one mind if we have the mind of Christ and think according to His Word. God wants us to live in peace. We can only live in peace if we have a close relationship with Him.

We recently got a new cat from the humane society. He was a barn cat before he went the humane society. Then he was mainly around other cats. He wasn’t used to people. When we went to the pound  to chose a family pet, the health department worker told us that Kristoff wasn’t a lap cat as he wasn’t very social. We wanted a lap cat, but we took him home anyway (as he was the one that came to us – and yes, sat on my lap). When we first brought him home he hid behind the entertainment center for most of the first and second day. He warmed up to Brittney and I, but was not ready to receive love from David and Nicole. We encouraged them to be patient and not to force themselves on him. We knew that eventually he would warm up to. Now he loves them and everyone that comes into our house. He sits with them on the couch, plays with them, and even lets them pet him.

God sole intent is to be close to us. He longs for and desires for all of us to love Him in return for the love that He has for us. But one thing He does in love is that He give us time to warm up to Him and His love. He doesn’t force us to return His love. He waits for it to be from our heart when we are ready.

I don’t know if you return your love to God or not. If you do, praise God! If you don’t, realize that the Father wants to become Your Father today. He has loved you from the very beginning. He knit you together in your mother’s womb. He wants a relationship with you. He is a loving God. He wants your life to be complete. He wants you to be of good comfort. He wants you to be of one mind with Him. He wants you to live in peace. If you receive the love He has for you and love Him in return, you will make Him very happy; and He (the God of love and peace) will be with you. What more could you want?

Father, thank You for making us complete. Thank You for making us of good comfort. Thank You for making us of one mind with You and those that are a part of the body of Christ. You want us to live in peace and we want this as well. We thank You for loving us enough to wait for us to respond to Your love. We respond to Your love in the name of Jesus Christ right now, and we thank You that You-- the God of love and peace-- will be with us. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

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