Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Acts 20:28 - Have a balanced life

“take heed to yourselves.”

Acts 20:28

One of the things we do often is check our balances in our checkbooks to see if they balance out and come out to be even. Since it is important for us to see if our checkbooks balance out, how much more important it is to see if our lives balance out. We have a private life and we have a public life. We are to keep the two balanced. Jesus spent a lot of time interacting with his disciples and with people, but He also spent a lot of time with the Father. He rose up early to be alone with Him, and He also often withdrew from the crowds to be with Him some more. His time alone with the Father gave Him a sound mind and the strength He needed to interact with others so He could sup with them, instill and teach them, as well as heal and bless them. If it was important for Jesus to do this, how much more important is it for us. We should “take heed” to ourselves. If we see that we are alone too much, we should ask the Father what we can do for Him. His Holy Spirit can reveal to us who we can call, visit, invite out to lunch, or do something with. If we see that our life is much too busy, we can ask the Father to show us how we can slow down a bit so we can spiritually be recharged. We were created in his image, but we were also created to be balanced. Today is as good a day as any to check your balances. God loves you and He wants and desires for you to have a balanced life.

Father, may we “take heed” to ourselves today. Reveal to us our hearts true condition. Show us if we need to spend more time with You or not. If you show us that we are unbalanced and need to spend more time with You, may we heed this and make You our number one priority. We know that it will bring more peace within our lives. If we see that our time with You is great but that we need to interact with others more, may we “heed” this and reach out to every person that Your heart desires for us to. Above all we want to know You and have a balanced life. Thank You for Your love. And thank You for guiding us by Your love. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen. 

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