Thursday, July 2, 2015

Psalms 91:11 God gives His angels orders to protect YOU in all YOUR ways

“He will give His angels orders concerning you, to protect you in all your ways.”

Psalm 91:11

Psalm 91 is one of my many favorite passages. I love this psalm. I would read this psalm to Brittney and Nicole when they were little whenever there was a bad thunderstorm. This psalm always gave them complete peace within their hearts. They were never children that worried, cried or got afraid. They knew God was with them and that He was going to keep them safe. To this day, Brittney actually loves a good thunderstorm. She get’s excited when God uses lightning bolts to light up the sky. I don’t know if you are afraid of thunderstorms and the chance of tornadoes or not, if so … I encourage you to read this psalm the next time it storms. Maybe you aren’t scared of storms, but you are scared to drive in snow and/or ice. If so, read this psalm before you leave your house. Psalm 121:7-8 is another good promise from the psalms to cling to when you’re are afraid to travel. It says “The Lord keeps you from all evil and preserves your life. The Lord keeps watch over you as you come and go, both now and forever.” You never need to fear. God is with you. Give God thanks for your protection. See if God doesn’t give you a peace within your heart and mind as you know that He can and will keep you safe. Psalm 91 is a promise. It is a promise we can cling to. It shows God’s love for us, His very precious people. It informs you and it informs me of how He gives His angels orders concerning us in all our ways. Notice that this psalm says “in ALL our ways.” This means that He does this for us everywhere we are, as well as everywhere we go. We may not be able to see His angels with our own two eyes, but they are there. His Word’s confirm this. We can know and trust His Word as His Word is truth, absolute. These angels hover about us constantly. They have been and will continue to protect us from dangers of which we are unaware. YOU are the “you” of Psalm 91:11. Cling to this promise from God to YOU: “He will give His angels orders concerning YOU, to protect YOU in ALL your ways.” Rest and be assured of these thoughts today. Let Him give you His peace.

Father, Thank You for ordering Your angel angels concerning me, to protect me in all my ways. I can’t see the angels themselves, but I can know that they are there. I want to thank You for all the many times they have protected me. Bless them Father. And thank them for me. May they continue to protect me my whole life long. It is nice not having to worry, fret, or be afraid. It is nice having a peace and an assurance in my heart that comes from You. Thank You for Your great love. I love You. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

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