Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Mark 11:22 - God can move the mountains in your life

And Jesus, replying, said to them, “Have faith in God.”

Mark 11:22

I like today’s verse “Have faith in God.” The Amplified Bible adds the word “constantly.” It goes on to say “For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says. Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them” (Mark 11:23-24). Jesus tells us that we are to speak to our mountain in faith. He even goes on to tell us that if we don’t doubt but constantly believe that it will be done, asking for it to “Be removed and be cast into the sea” we will have whatever we say. This can be hard for us to fathom at times. It may seem impossible. God used this illustration so that we can be assured that He can do the impossible. He is able. It is important to note that we aren’t to use this verse out of context though. We can’t hurl “our will” at God and expect the mountains to move. We need to be certain that it is the “Father’s will” for what we are speaking, and His Word is His will and this is what should be coming out of our mouths. His Word’s are spirit and they are life. Our words are just flesh. Another thing to note is that things don’t always happen overnight. During these times our faith is given the opportunity to rise up more and more in our spirits. Know during these times that God is still faithful. Just because the mountain hasn’t moved yet, doesn’t mean that it won’t. He can and will honor His Word in His time. I heard Roma Downey share a personal testimony last night. She shared how she longed for a Christian mother figure to be put into her life that would mother her and wrap her loving arms around her, holding her close (as her mother had passed away). She faithfully and persistently prayed and asked the Lord for this for years. Finally, 20 years later when the Lord opened the door for her to be on “Touched by an Angel” she met the lady that played Tess. Della Reese is the name of the lady who played Tess and she was a Christian. Della knew in her spirit the moment she met Roma that she was to take her under her wing and mother her. She held her close and wrapped her loving arms around her. She even called her “Baby.” Even though the show was cancelled a long time ago, she is Roma’s adopted mother to this day. Have hope today. Think about any situation that you may need a mountain moved. Search God’s Word for some promises. And then cling to them, stand on them, hold them close, and say them in a prayer to the Lord. Do this each and every day until your mountain is moved and cast into the sea. As you wait for the Lord to bring this to pass, your faith in God will grow in strength. Your faith in God will be sure. And your faith in God will be constant. And remember Jesus’ very own words Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them.” Let these words flood you with hope and may these words give you His peace and assurance today.

Father, Thank You for being a God that can do the impossible. Nothing is impossible for You.  Sometimes we find ourselves having a mountain in our lives that needs to be removed. Give us the Scriptures that we need to use in a prayer and may we speak those Scriptures in faith. We thank You that You can and will move our mountains in Your due time. May You keep us in the center of Your will. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

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