Friday, July 17, 2015

Romans 12:11-12 - Never give up

“Never give up. Eagerly follow the Holy Spirit and serve the Lord. Let your hope make you glad. Be patient in time of trouble and never stop praying.”

Romans 12:11-12

I don’t know if you feel like giving up or not. If you do feel like giving up, don’t. Sometimes it would be easier to just quit or to flee, but God’s Word tells us to “Never give up.” Never means never. There are seasons for everything under the sun. We continually go from one season to another. This is fine. It is just that God should be in charge of those seasons. Rash decisions are often fleshly ones that often lead to regret later on. One of today’s verses tells us to “never stop praying.” Don’t do anything without praying and seeking God’s will first. You may feel unsettled in your spirit. You may feel like something isn’t right. Just because you feel this way doesn’t mean that God wants you to quit, even though your flesh may be screaming for you to. God has given you his Holy Spirit and His Spirit is giving you the spiritual gift of discernment. This discernment is what is being impressed upon your heart. When you are discerning something, this is the time to be in an attitude of prayer. Wait for Him to reveal His will to you in the matter before you do anything. Don’t quit before He reveals to you the next step you are to take. I like how today’s verses instruct us to “Eagerly follow the Holy Spirit and serve the Lord.” We have to know what the Holy Spirit wants before we can follow it and serve the Lord. We can only know this if we are praying. I want to encourage you today. Be patient in any time of trouble you find yourself in, and let the hope that you have in the Lord rise up and make you glad.

Father, May I eagerly follow the Holy Spirit and love and serve You with all my heart. Be in charge of all my seasons. Give me spiritual discernment so I can discern Your will and plan for my life. I want to let You lead. Keep me in the center of Your will. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.  

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