Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Psalm 139:16 - Your life has been preordained

“Your eyes saw me when I was formless; all my days were written in Your book and planned before a single one of them began.”

Psalm 139:16

We have a preordained life! Nothing comes as a surprise to God. God knew about everything that was going to happen to us before we were even born. They were all written in His book. God has even pre-appointed our blessings. We have an eternity in heaven to look forward to. A simple truth is that we can be “at home” in our hearts right now, wherever we are at. “Home” is the will, plan and purposes of God for our lives. Nothing can happen to those who love the Lord that God doesn’t allow for some reason. I can remember getting in a car accident on New Years Eve one night with my oldest daughter Brittney. We slid in the snow after some deer ran out in front of us. We ended up in a ditch. We had to wait for a tow truck to come and get us out. We had to wait a long time. One thing that astonished me was how “at home” I felt in my heart as we waited. We weren’t impatient, freaked out, fretting or anything. Our hearts were “calm” and we were “at peace.” Why? The presence of the Lord was with us. It made all the difference in the world. I don’t know what you are going through. Be aware of His presence. Let your heart enjoy being “at home.” Live each day with Christ. Accept what comes. God uses all things for our good, even the bad things that come our way. Our lives were preordained. They are written in His book.

Father, May we always be “at home” in our hearts. “At home” with You that is. We know that “home” is the will, plan and purposes of God for our lives. Thanks for the encouragement You have given us today. We love You! In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

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