Thursday, June 4, 2015

1 Corinthians 5:11 - Be careful who you sup with

“But now I have written to you not to keep company with anyone named a brother, who is sexually immoral, or covetous, or an idolater, or a reviler, or a drunkard, or an extortioner—not even to eat with such a person.”

1 Corinthians 5:11

Today’s verse sounds harsh. It doesn’t sound loving or kind to many in the church body today to not keep company with someone that claims to walk with God but is living in darkness, instead of in the light. We often hear that we shouldn’t judge, that God is the only one that can Judge. He is the Judge. But He has given us His Word so that we can see, understand, and obey it as well. There is a difference. This isn’t judging. This is love. The simple fact is that it is much less loving and kind to tolerate a sin or sins in someone that confesses to live for Jesus Christ. If you continue to sup with them, be closely knit to them and carry on like they are doing nothing wrong this means that we are not doing the will of God. They won’t be the only one in the wrong, now we will be in the wrong as well.

After looking at today’s verse, we need to examine a few things. The first thing we should examine is ourselves. Are we being sexually immoral? Are we being covetous? Are we an idolater? Are we a reviler? Are we a drunkard? Are we an extortioner? If we are doing any one of these things, this means that our lives are not right with God. It also means that the body of Christ (believers) shouldn’t be keeping company with us. They shouldn’t be eating with us. It also means that we need to confess our sin (or sins) to Him, repent, and allow the Holy Spirit to mend our relationship with Him, making it right. Nothing is more important. Nothing! No matter how much you love the sin that has control of you, it is not worth hanging on to. Let it go! Your spiritual life is at stake. Another thing we should check is who we spend company with. Are any of our so called “Christian friends” sexually immoral? Are any of them covetous? Are any of them an idolater? Are any of them a reviler? Are any of them a drunkard? Are any of them an extortioner? If they are, then we need stop keeping such close company with them. We can still love them. We can still pray for them. We just can’t be their “best friend” any longer. His Word even says that we are not to even eat with them. The wisest thing we can do is pull back on the relationship, letting God be God and allowing Him to do the work that He wants to do in their lives. When they repent and truly come back to the Lord, we can pick up where the friendship left off. Again, this sounds harsh. You may feel that doing so would make you unkind/mean as you love them so much. I understand. I have been there. It is hard to do. But it can be done. Trust in His wisdom, not your own. 

Father, You have set up a standard. May we follow it. We realize that we are not to pull back from those that are in the world. They need us. They need to see the way, the truth, and the life. They need to see Your love and acceptance for them through us. Cause their hearts to be open to You and Your love. If we have any sin in our lives, may You reveal our sin(s) to us so we can confess it/them as sin, repent, and allow the Holy Spirit to get us right with You once again. May whatever has a hold on us, have a hold on us no longer. Set us free. And, Father, if we are keeping company with a brother/sister that we shouldn’t be, may we heed Your instructions and pull back on the relationship. Do a work on their heart, bringing them back to You. We want them to have and experience a sweet fellowship with You once again. It is also our hearts desire that they be restored to a fellowship with us as well. We love them. We put our trust in Your wisdom, not our own. Be God and do Your thing, just what You do best. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen. 

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