Monday, June 22, 2015

Genesis 39:21 Nothing has to leave a scar

“But the Lord was with Joseph and showed him mercy, and He gave him favor in the sight of the keeper of the prison.”

Genesis 39:21

Joseph was punished for something he didn’t do by being put into a dark place, prison. Joseph did not play the part of a victim. He thought of himself as a child of God. He also didn’t view his situation as hopeless. He kept his eyes on the Lord and maintained his integrity. Because of this, God did not abandon him. He remained with him. He even gave him His favor while he was there. The keeper of the prison noticed Joseph’s good character. Therefore, the keeper put him in charge of all the prisoners that were being held by the king. He knew that Joseph was a man that could be trusted. God wanted to use Joseph right where he was at. He wasn’t just to sit idly by while the world passed by. God also made whatever Joseph did prosper. Genesis 39:23 tells us “The keeper of the prison did not look into anything that was under Joseph’s authority, because the Lord was with him; and whatever he did, the Lord made it prosper.”

Maybe you can relate to Joseph. You may feel that life has thrown you something that isn’t fair and/or is undeserved. Because of this, you may feel as though you are in a dark place right now. It may have you down. Know that God cares and that He understands in full what you are going through. If you are feeling hopeless, take it to Him! He won’t turn you away or abandon you. He will show you His mercy. You are His and His favor is with you. Ask Him to “assign” a “job” for you to do while you are in that dark place. Your union with Him will grow during this time. Working for the Lord while you are in your personal prison will give you hope, direction, meaning and a sense of value and purpose for your life. God will be with you. And, whatever you do, the Lord will make it prosper. An added bonus is that, when the time is right, you will be released from your prison and you will get the assignment you were born for. God has a plan for you and your life. Trust Him!

Father, Thank You for never abandoning me in my dark times. Use me in each and every dark place I find myself in. Give me an “assignment” to do when I am in there. I want to learn and grow from everything. Then deliver me from the dark place, and give me the assignment I was destined and born to do.  In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen. 

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