Monday, June 8, 2015

Matthew 6:30 - God clothes us if we seek Him first and His righteousness

“Now if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is, and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will He not much more clothe you.”

Matthew 6:30

God is so good. He is the Great Provider. With His help, I have been able to lose some weight. I eat a very healthy diet so that my white blood cell count will continue to go down, instead of going up like it was. My white blood cell count had tripled last year, which is not good. It meant that the leukemia was spreading. I exercise each day to help build up my immune system so that it will do the work that it is supposed to do. I basically just stretch. I feel so much better. I am trying to be wise. I am trying to be a good steward with my time. God gives us 24 hours each day. My early morning is spent with the Lord. Then I give myself one hour to focus on my health and wellbeing. Thank God, I am getting healthier and healthier. I may be 47, but I sure don’t feel like it anymore. Recently, I went to the basement and got a tub of summer clothes that I had when I was smaller. Almost all of them fit. I was thankful and grateful as I wouldn’t have to go buy new clothes. I rejoiced. Last week, a dear friend of mine gave me some dress clothes. They looked “liked me.” I was amazed. I now had some dress clothes to wear. Today, my mother came over. She had gone through her closet and had some clothes for me if they fit. There were some Capri’s that fit, some shorts, and some everyday shirts. I needed some everyday shirts to wear when I was just going to be around the house. And … I am home just about every day. Once again, God provided. I never asked and prayed to the Lord for Him to provide. I wasn’t worried about it. I was content with what I had. God just provided for me, for He is good. If God can provide for my clothes when I’ve lost weight, He can provide us with anything. Just be sure to seek Him first and His righteousness. This is His only requirement. Matthew 6:33 says “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.”

Father, Thank You for loving us so much. Thank You for being such a great God. Thank You for being our Great Provider. May we continue to seek You first and Your righteousness. We know that if we do, You will always provide. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

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