Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Isaiah 49:1 - Listen to God, and then heed Him

“Listen … to Me, and take heed, you peoples.”

Isaiah 49:1

Some people wonder if God still talks to people today. According to today’s verse, God does. Other people question others when they say they have heard from God. They find it hard to believe if the person they know claims God spoke to them. God does speak. Not only does He speak, but He desires for us to listen to Him. It is His will for us to heed what He says. His voice is life changing. His voice will confirm His will to us. His voice will guides us. We will know the next step that we should take. His voice encourages us, strengthens us and builds us up in the most holy of faith. His voice also straightens us out when we err, so that we keep our heart right with Him.

How do we know when God is speaking to us? His number one way is to speak to us is through His Word. This is why it is so important that we read it every day. Another way God speaks to us is through His Holy Spirit. His Holy Spirit bears witness to our spirits. A third way that God speaks to us is through other believers who are walking in His Spirit. And the last way that He speaks to us is through our circumstances. God speaks. Listen to Him.

Father, thank You for speaking to Your children. May my ears be open to Your still small voice. I want to hear what You have to say. Speak to me today all throughout the day through Your Word, Your Spirit, other Spirit lead believers, and the circumstances of my life. I want to fellowship with you all day long. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

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