Monday, June 15, 2015

Philippians 4:3 - Cheer others on

“And I ask you, my true teammate, to help these women …”

Philippians 4:3

The body of Christ is to be a team. We are to help one another. Today I am remembering my daughter, Nicole, and how she used to be a cheerleader. Cheerleaders encourage the local team. They “cheer” when the team plays. They are upbeat. Their joy and happiness are contagious. They encourage those that are watching the game that is being played as well. They help get them involved. They also encourage the whole community. When the team is not playing, cheerleaders are still busy building the team players up by putting encouraging words on their lockers. They also go uptown and paint the town, often putting the players names as well as their numbers on a store front window. What a beautiful example to the body of Christ cheerleaders can be. We should “cheer” on our fellow brothers and sisters when they are using their gifts for the kingdom of God. When they are on their own time and not using their gifts at the moment, we should put encouraging scriptures before them. We can do this with our words when we see them, with a phone call, with an email, with a text, with a card, or with an old fashioned letter. There are countless ways we can help build them up and encourage them in their faith. God’s creativity is beyond our imagination. He can share His creativity with us by helping us be creative and reach out. Be encouraged today. You are His. He loves you. Also, be encouraged to “cheer” on the rest of your team, your teammates, your co-workers in Christ. You will be blessed, and you will bless others.

Father, Thank You for making us a part of Your team. Help us to “cheer” our brothers and sisters on in the Lord as they use their gifts for You. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen. 

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