Friday, June 26, 2015

John 16:24 - Ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full

“Until now you have asked nothing in My name. Ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full.”

John 16:24

We are to ask for things in Jesus’ name. Doing so opens the floodgates for God’s will, plans, and purposes to prevail. It is not a magic wand, but when things are in line with God’s will for our lives He will answer our prayer. Having our prayer answered will make our hearts full of joy. As adults, we often make and base our decisions in line with what we want and desire. We are adults so therefore we think it is up to us to figure things out. But, just because we are adults, doesn’t mean that we should trust in our own wisdom and leave God out of the equation. He wants us to come to Him. He is to be our Lord. When we were children we went to our parents about everything. We asked our parents if we could spend the night with a friend. If our shoes were too tight, we asked our parents for some new ones. If we needed some money for a field trip at school, we went to our mom and dad and asked them for the money that we needed. If we wanted to stay up past our bedtime to watch a good movie, we asked for permission to do so. We had no problem asking. We were dependent on our parents to have all our needs to be met. We respected and trusted them knowing that they knew what was best for us. We had no job so we relied on them to provide for our every need. Why is it that when we grow up we feel that we have outgrown asking? God wants us to be dependent on Him no matter what age we are. He wants us to ask for things in the name of Jesus and inquire things of Him. He longs to be our Provider. He wants us to be in the center of His will, praying and asking for things from Him assures us that this will be so. Begin to ask Him for your needs in the name of Jesus. Let Him answer your prayers. Respect, trust and honor Him. He always knows what is best for us. And remember these words “Ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full.”

Father, May I begin to come to You, asking You to provide for all my needs. I know that if I pray and ask for things in the name of Jesus then You will answer according to Your will, plan, and purpose for my life. I will receive what is best for me, and my joy will be full. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Luke 14:33 - Have You Surrendered ALL to the Lord?

“Any of you who does not give up everything he has cannot be My disciple.”

Luke 14:33

Do you consider yourself one of Jesus’ disciples? I know I do. Today I had to ask myself a question though. The question is “Have I given everything I have over to the Lord?” I would like to be able to say that the answer was “yes.” But I have to be truthful and admit that the Holy Spirit brought something to my attention. I had to confess that something to Him as sin and lay it down at His feet, surrendering ALL. The Living Bible words Luke 14:33 a little differently. I like what it says. It says “So no one can become My disciple unless he first sits down and counts his blessings—and then renounces them all for Me.” I encourage you to look at your life today. Have you renounced everything to the Lord? Listen to His Holy Spirit. He may reveal something to you. I like the old hymn “I Surrender All.” Let’s let that be our prayer to the Lord today.

  1. ALL to Jesus I surrender, ALL to Him I freely give; I will ever love and trust Him, in His presence daily live. (Chorus) I surrender ALL, I surrender ALLl. ALL to Thee, my blessed Savior, I surrender ALL.
  2. ALL to Jesus I surrender, humbly at His feet I bow, worldly pleasures ALL forsaken, take me Jesus, take me now. (Chorus) I surrender ALL, I surrender ALL. ALL to Thee, my blessed Savior, I surrender ALL.
  3. ALL to Jesus I surrender, make me, Savior, wholly Thine; may Thy Holy Spirit fill me, may I know Thy pow’r divine.  (Chorus) I surrender ALL, I surrender ALL. ALL to Thee, my blessed Savior, I surrender ALL.
  4. ALL to Jesus I surrender, Lord, I give myself to Thee; fill me with Thy love and power, let Thy blessing fall on me. (Chorus) I surrender ALL, I surrender ALL. ALL to Thee, my blessed Savior, I surrender ALL.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

1 John 2:27 - God has anointed us

“But the anointing which you have received from Him abides in you, and you do not need that anyone teach you; but as the same anointing teaches you concerning all things, and is true, and is not a lie, and just as it has taught you, you will abide in Him.”

1 John 2:27

God has anointed you if you have accepted Christ as your personal Savior. His anointing dwells in your very being. 1 John 2:20 says “you have an anointing from the Holy One, and you know all things.” He does this because the anointing from the Holy Spirit (our Helper) teaches us concerning all things. John 14:26 says “But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to remembrance all things that I said to you.” This anointing is true. It is not a lie. And just as it teaches you and it teaches me, we will abide in Him. Hallelujah! Some of the ways He anoints us is by putting His laws in our minds, writing them on the tablets of our hearts, and blessing us with truly getting to know Him. Hebrews 8:10-11 says “I will put my laws in their mind and write them on their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people. None of them shall teach his neighbor, and none his brother, saying, ‘Know the Lord,’ for all shall know Me, from the least of them to the greatest of them.” Be encouraged today. You have His anointing. Walk in it. J

Father, Thank You for anointing us. May we walk in this anointing. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

Monday, June 22, 2015

Genesis 39:21 Nothing has to leave a scar

“But the Lord was with Joseph and showed him mercy, and He gave him favor in the sight of the keeper of the prison.”

Genesis 39:21

Joseph was punished for something he didn’t do by being put into a dark place, prison. Joseph did not play the part of a victim. He thought of himself as a child of God. He also didn’t view his situation as hopeless. He kept his eyes on the Lord and maintained his integrity. Because of this, God did not abandon him. He remained with him. He even gave him His favor while he was there. The keeper of the prison noticed Joseph’s good character. Therefore, the keeper put him in charge of all the prisoners that were being held by the king. He knew that Joseph was a man that could be trusted. God wanted to use Joseph right where he was at. He wasn’t just to sit idly by while the world passed by. God also made whatever Joseph did prosper. Genesis 39:23 tells us “The keeper of the prison did not look into anything that was under Joseph’s authority, because the Lord was with him; and whatever he did, the Lord made it prosper.”

Maybe you can relate to Joseph. You may feel that life has thrown you something that isn’t fair and/or is undeserved. Because of this, you may feel as though you are in a dark place right now. It may have you down. Know that God cares and that He understands in full what you are going through. If you are feeling hopeless, take it to Him! He won’t turn you away or abandon you. He will show you His mercy. You are His and His favor is with you. Ask Him to “assign” a “job” for you to do while you are in that dark place. Your union with Him will grow during this time. Working for the Lord while you are in your personal prison will give you hope, direction, meaning and a sense of value and purpose for your life. God will be with you. And, whatever you do, the Lord will make it prosper. An added bonus is that, when the time is right, you will be released from your prison and you will get the assignment you were born for. God has a plan for you and your life. Trust Him!

Father, Thank You for never abandoning me in my dark times. Use me in each and every dark place I find myself in. Give me an “assignment” to do when I am in there. I want to learn and grow from everything. Then deliver me from the dark place, and give me the assignment I was destined and born to do.  In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen. 

Friday, June 19, 2015

2 Timothy 3:1 - Perilous times

“But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come.”

2 Timothy 3:1

One thing I love about getting older is that I grow spiritually. God gives me more knowledge of Himself and His Word. I learn to know Him more. He grows more dear and precious to me with each passing day. This excites me and makes my heart glad.  Maybe you can relate. One thing that saddens me as I get older is how the world is changing for the worse. Sin is becoming more and more acceptable. Jesus Christ, His Word, and His Way are becoming more and more “unpopular” in our culture. It is in other nations as well. This grieves me. Just yesterday I read an article about the UK. The UK is considering outlawing the belief that Jesus Christ is the Son of God as it is “offensive.” Did you catch that? The belief that Jesus Christ is the Son of God may be outlawed. Why? Because some believe that it is “offensive.” Please be in prayer for them. God warns us “that in the last days perilous times will come.” We know this. We have been forewarned. He warns us that the time will come when people will not endure sound doctrine (2 Timothy 4:3). They will believe a doctrine that sounds good to their itching ears. Thank God that Solid Rock Community Church has a pastor that believes and preaches the Word as It is. He gives us sound doctrine. Thank God for all the other ministers who preach/teach sound doctrine as well. May God bless them! God also informs us that scoffers and mockers are going to come in the last days. They will walk according to their own lusts (2 Peter 3:3; Jude 18). The Spirit says that some of the faith will depart from the faith. Their consciences will be seared. 1 Timothy 4:1 tells us that “the Spirit expressly says that in the latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons, speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their own conscience seared with a hot iron.” God also lets us know that the Antichrist and many antichrists will rise up. 1 John 2:18 tells us “it is the last hour; and as you have heard that the Antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come, by which we know that it is the last hour.” How are we going to be able to carry on? We are going to need His mercy and find His grace to help us in time of our need. We receive this by coming boldly to His throne of grace. Hebrews 4:16 says “Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.” We are going to need to go to His throne each and every day, maybe even many times during the day. We are going to need His Word. We are also going to need to draw strength, hope, and encouragement from one another. May God be with you today. We know what is going to take place. May He help us to remain close to Him all throughout our lives. We don’t want to fall away. May our faith be sure, steadfast, immovable and strong. May our eyes stay on Him, the author and finisher of our faith. The world and the love of this world is not good, but our God in heaven is always good.

Lord, You have warned us that in the last days perilous times will come. Please keep us in the palm of Your hand. May our faith never waver. May it be sure, steadfast, immovable and strong.  Help us to be strong in the Lord and in the power of Your might. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Proverbs 18:15 - God wants to give us wisdom

“The heart of the prudent acquires knowledge, and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge.”

Proverbs 18:15

The fool hates knowledge. Proverbs 1:22 says “fools hate knowledge.” They lack common sense. They refuse to listen. Proverbs 18:13 says “He who answers a matter before he hears it, it is folly and shame to him.” God’s Word even goes on to say that fools like to air their own opinions instead of listening. Proverbs 18:2 says “A fool has no delight in understanding, but in expressing his own heart.” The fool doesn’t even seek wisdom or help from above. He doesn’t care about wisdom in any way, shape or form. All he cares about is how he feels about the matter. He simply has “no heart for it” (Proverbs 17:16). The wise are completely the opposite of the fool. They listen to the Lord and desire to hear knowledge. They seek for it. They are teachable, willing to learn. They have a prudent mind, therefore they acquire wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. They have a heart for it! God tells us in His good book that He wants and desires for us to “get it” (wisdom and understanding). Proverbs 4:5 says “Get wisdom! Get understanding!” Proverbs 4:5 continues saying “Do not forget, nor turn away from the words of my mouth.” He warns us in Proverbs 4:6 saying “Do not forsake her.” If we don’t turn away from His words and not forsake wisdom, God promises that “she [wisdom] will preserve you” (Proverbs 4:6). It tells us that if we love her, “she will keep you” (Proverbs 4:6). He even tells us that wisdom is the principal thing. Proverbs 4:7 “Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom.” He continues on and tells us “And in all your getting, get understanding” (Proverbs 4:7). He tells us that if we “Exalt her, … she will promote you; she will bring you honor” (Proverbs 4:8). He will do this “when you embrace her” (Proverbs 4:8). He continues on letting us know that wisdom “will place on your head an ornament of grace” (Proverbs 4:9). He goes on letting us know that “a crown of glory she will deliver to you” (Proverbs 4:9). Wisdom is better than gold. Understanding is to be chosen rather than silver. Proverbs 16:16 says “How much better to get wisdom than gold! And to get understanding is to be chosen rather than silver.” Embrace wisdom. Get wisdom. Get understanding. You will be wiser and your life will be better for it.

Father, Today we ask for wisdom. May we get it. We ask for understanding. May we get this too. We want to embrace You, and we want to embrace them. We know that wisdom and understanding is better than gold, silver, or anything else that we could possibly desire. Help us to be slow to speak, and quick to learn. We want to walk in your wisdom and avoid acting and behaving like a fool.  In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Proverbs 17:27 - Spare your words, remain calm

“He who has knowledge spares his words, and a man of understanding is of a calm spirit.”

Proverbs 17:27

One thing I love about getting older is that we seem to grow in our knowledge. If you have a teachable spirit, I am sure that you can look back on your life and see how you have increased in knowledge through the years as well. When I was younger, I talked nonstop. I had a lot to say. I hated it if in a conversation things got quiet and/or there was a long lull in communication. I thought something was wrong if this happened. Now I don’t seem to mind at all if things are quiet or if I have nothing to say. I am content in just being calm and “at peace” in my spirit/heart. I can sense His Holy Spirit more that way. My words have more meaning. I don’t find myself saying what I shouldn’t as often. I know better. James 1:19 tells us how we should be. It says “So then, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath.” I like what the New Living Translation says in Proverbs 17:27. It says “A truly wise person uses few words.” It goes on to say “a person with understanding is even-tempered.” Isn’t this what we desire? Don’t we want to be truly wise? Don’t we want to use few words? Do you see the wisdom in that? Do you want to be a person with understanding? Do you want to be even-tempered? Do you want to have a calm spirit? Then let us try our best to be “swift to hear, slow to speak, [and] slow to wrath.” Ask God to help you be. Your life will then bring glory to Him.

Father, may we have knowledge and spare our words. May we be men and women of understanding. May we have a calm spirit within us. Jesus was all knowledge. His words were life, seasoned with salt, and full of meaning. He had understanding. He had a calm spirit and a calm way about Him. Lord, we thank You that His Spirit resides within us. Help make us like Him in every way. Help us to be “swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath.” May we be truly wise men and women and spare our words. May we be even-tempered like You. We want our lives to bring glory to Your name. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Proverbs 17:22 - A merry heart

“A merry heart does good, like medicine.”

Proverbs 17:22

Some days we just need to be around someone that has a merry heart. They do us good. Being around them is like medicine to our soul. It lifts our countenance up. Proverbs 15:13 tells us that “A merry heart makes a cheerful countenance.” One of the ways this can happen is to spend some time with someone that has a merry heart. They will rub off on us. Spending time with the Lord can do the same thing. Life get’s busy. Sometimes with all our responsibilities we don’t take the time to talk or fellowship with those God has blessed us with. Sometimes we don’t take the time to be with Him either. When this happens our countenance suffers. Make time for God. Make Him a daily priority. And make time to fellowship with a merry heart from time to time to. It will make a difference in your life.

Father, Proverbs 15:15 says that “he who is of a merry heart has a continual feast.” Lord, I desire to have a merry heart at all times. I desire to have a continual feast. I desire to hear from people and be with people that have merry hearts as well. Please bring these types of people into my life. I want their merry heart to rub off on me and help me to have a cheerful countenance, and I want to have a merry heart and rub off on them so they can have a cheerful countenance as well. As iron sharpens iron, may we sharpen one another. May we be like medicine to one another’s soul’s. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

Monday, June 15, 2015

Philippians 4:3 - Cheer others on

“And I ask you, my true teammate, to help these women …”

Philippians 4:3

The body of Christ is to be a team. We are to help one another. Today I am remembering my daughter, Nicole, and how she used to be a cheerleader. Cheerleaders encourage the local team. They “cheer” when the team plays. They are upbeat. Their joy and happiness are contagious. They encourage those that are watching the game that is being played as well. They help get them involved. They also encourage the whole community. When the team is not playing, cheerleaders are still busy building the team players up by putting encouraging words on their lockers. They also go uptown and paint the town, often putting the players names as well as their numbers on a store front window. What a beautiful example to the body of Christ cheerleaders can be. We should “cheer” on our fellow brothers and sisters when they are using their gifts for the kingdom of God. When they are on their own time and not using their gifts at the moment, we should put encouraging scriptures before them. We can do this with our words when we see them, with a phone call, with an email, with a text, with a card, or with an old fashioned letter. There are countless ways we can help build them up and encourage them in their faith. God’s creativity is beyond our imagination. He can share His creativity with us by helping us be creative and reach out. Be encouraged today. You are His. He loves you. Also, be encouraged to “cheer” on the rest of your team, your teammates, your co-workers in Christ. You will be blessed, and you will bless others.

Father, Thank You for making us a part of Your team. Help us to “cheer” our brothers and sisters on in the Lord as they use their gifts for You. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen. 

Friday, June 12, 2015

Joshua 24:14 - Put away the gods your father served ... Serve the Lord!

“Now therefore, fear the Lord, serve Him in sincerity and in truth, and put away the gods which your fathers served … Serve the Lord!”

Joshua 24:14

We are to “fear the Lord.” We are to “serve Him in sincerity and in truth.” We are to “put away the gods which your fathers served.” My questions to you today are … “What gods did your father serve?” and “can you honestly say that you are not serving those gods?” Many of us don’t have father’s that served Buddha, Baal, or any other false god. This is good. But they may have had idols in their lives and served those idols, making them a god. My father had (and still has) the television on the whole time that he is awake. The television is so important to him. It is his lifeline. Because of this, my youngest brother has grown up and he has a television by the sink for when he does the dishes as well as for when he and his girls sit down to eat their meals, two televisions in his living room (one for him to watch his shows and one for his kids to watch their shows on the other side of the room), a television in each of their bedrooms, and a television to watch where he works out every night. When I got married I must admit that I took after my father. I had the television on all the time. When I woke up, the first thing I did was walk over to the television and turn it on. I was a Christian, I loved the Lord, but the television had a hold on me. The Holy Spirit had to reveal to me that the television was an idol in my life. Once I knew this, I knew that I had to be free. I had to cut myself off from it. “Put it away” so to speak. So I stopped my monthly cable subscription. The only things our family watched was our VHS videos of Veggie Tales and the Donut Man. After some time away from the television, I knew that the television was no longer an idol. I was free. The Lord told me that it was okay for me to subscribe to cable once again. I called the cable company and set up a time for them to come hook us up. We were only going to get the “basic” subscription package with the “basic” channels, channels 1 – 13. This way we would be able to have the news and know what is going on around the world. When the cable company came, the man told us that he didn’t have the part to make it just the “basic” channels. He told us that he would give us the “extended” package at the “basic” price. This was surely a blessing from the Lord. Instead paying and getting thirteen channels, we were paying for thirteen channels but receiving over eighty. We pay only twenty some dollars a month for our “extended” cable package. My parents pay over sixty dollars a month for the same package that we get. God honored my willingness to get rid of an idol by rewarding me with more than we asked for when it was no longer an idol in my life. Now I hardly ever watch the television. God is my God and I worship and serve Him.

I don’t know what gods your father had. Only you can answer that. But I do encourage you to be sure that the Lord is the only God that you are serving. Fear the Lord and serve Him in sincerity and truth. Put away the gods your father served. Again … “Serve the Lord!”

Father, May we fear You. May we serve You in sincerity and truth. May we put away the gods which our fathers served. May we worship the Lord our God (You) and serve Him (You) only. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Proverbs 11:9 - Don't be a hypocrite and destroy others with your mouth

“The hypocrite with his mouth destroys his neighbor.”

Proverbs 11:9

Do you realize that when we destroy our neighbor with our mouth that we are being a hypocrite? Let’s not be hypocrites. If we can’t say anything nice, let’s not say anything. May we pray for those that need prayer, instead of talking about them.

Father, Your truths are very real. May we hold true to them. May we pray for those that need prayer, instead of talking about them. We don’t want to destroy our neighbors with our mouths. We don’t want to be hypocrites. We want to be faithful and, true … to You. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Isaiah 49:1 - Listen to God, and then heed Him

“Listen … to Me, and take heed, you peoples.”

Isaiah 49:1

Some people wonder if God still talks to people today. According to today’s verse, God does. Other people question others when they say they have heard from God. They find it hard to believe if the person they know claims God spoke to them. God does speak. Not only does He speak, but He desires for us to listen to Him. It is His will for us to heed what He says. His voice is life changing. His voice will confirm His will to us. His voice will guides us. We will know the next step that we should take. His voice encourages us, strengthens us and builds us up in the most holy of faith. His voice also straightens us out when we err, so that we keep our heart right with Him.

How do we know when God is speaking to us? His number one way is to speak to us is through His Word. This is why it is so important that we read it every day. Another way God speaks to us is through His Holy Spirit. His Holy Spirit bears witness to our spirits. A third way that God speaks to us is through other believers who are walking in His Spirit. And the last way that He speaks to us is through our circumstances. God speaks. Listen to Him.

Father, thank You for speaking to Your children. May my ears be open to Your still small voice. I want to hear what You have to say. Speak to me today all throughout the day through Your Word, Your Spirit, other Spirit lead believers, and the circumstances of my life. I want to fellowship with you all day long. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Hebrews 3:18 Temptations

“For since He Himself has now been through suffering and temptation, He knows what it is like when we suffer and are tempted, and He is wonderfully able to help us.”

Hebrews 3:18

Hallelujah! When we are tempted to sin, if we allow Him to, “He is wonderfully able to help us” so that we do not sin. He provides us with a way out. 1 Corinthians 10:13 says “No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it.” I like how the Living Bible words this verse. It says “But remember this—the wrong desires that come into your life aren’t anything new and different. Many others have faced exactly the same problems before you. And no temptation is irresistible. You can trust God to keep the temptation from becoming so strong that you can’t stand up against it, for He has promised this and will do what He says. He will show you how to escape temptation’s power so that you can bear up patiently against it.” God is always good. Once again He is the Great Provider. He provides the way out.

I thank God that He provides the way out for us when we are tempted to sin. I know that we face this daily. It is up to us to resist the temptation(s) when they come our way. We CAN do this with the Holy Spirit’s help. He gives us the power to walk away from our temptations and to submit to Him and His will. Yesterday I went to the store for some coat hangers. While I was walking down the many isles, different items on the shelves jumped out at me. I was “tempted” to buy some items that I hadn’t gone to the store for. I remembered His promise to help me by providing a way out when I was tempted. I left the store with only the items that I had gone for. I was glad. I didn’t waste any money. This morning I woke up and I was thinking about spending time with the Lord. I always spend my first waking hours with Him. I was “tempted” to exercise first so that it would be out of the way for the day. Once again, God brought a verse to mind. It was Matthew 6:33 which says “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness.” Immediately, I resisted the temptation to exercise and spent time with the Lord instead. I am so thankful and grateful that I sought Him first
Don’t be discouraged if you face temptations. We all face temptations. You are not alone. We will always face various temptations for as long as we live. Jesus was even tempted. We are human. Jesus showed us that we don’t have to give in to our temptations though. And He has given us the power to overcome our temptations. He wants us to walk away from them and to live in victory. We can … with His help. We can rejoice.

Father, Thank You for providing a way out when we are tempted. May we take Your way out each and every time we are tempted. We do not want to sin against You. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.  

Monday, June 8, 2015

Matthew 6:30 - God clothes us if we seek Him first and His righteousness

“Now if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is, and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will He not much more clothe you.”

Matthew 6:30

God is so good. He is the Great Provider. With His help, I have been able to lose some weight. I eat a very healthy diet so that my white blood cell count will continue to go down, instead of going up like it was. My white blood cell count had tripled last year, which is not good. It meant that the leukemia was spreading. I exercise each day to help build up my immune system so that it will do the work that it is supposed to do. I basically just stretch. I feel so much better. I am trying to be wise. I am trying to be a good steward with my time. God gives us 24 hours each day. My early morning is spent with the Lord. Then I give myself one hour to focus on my health and wellbeing. Thank God, I am getting healthier and healthier. I may be 47, but I sure don’t feel like it anymore. Recently, I went to the basement and got a tub of summer clothes that I had when I was smaller. Almost all of them fit. I was thankful and grateful as I wouldn’t have to go buy new clothes. I rejoiced. Last week, a dear friend of mine gave me some dress clothes. They looked “liked me.” I was amazed. I now had some dress clothes to wear. Today, my mother came over. She had gone through her closet and had some clothes for me if they fit. There were some Capri’s that fit, some shorts, and some everyday shirts. I needed some everyday shirts to wear when I was just going to be around the house. And … I am home just about every day. Once again, God provided. I never asked and prayed to the Lord for Him to provide. I wasn’t worried about it. I was content with what I had. God just provided for me, for He is good. If God can provide for my clothes when I’ve lost weight, He can provide us with anything. Just be sure to seek Him first and His righteousness. This is His only requirement. Matthew 6:33 says “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.”

Father, Thank You for loving us so much. Thank You for being such a great God. Thank You for being our Great Provider. May we continue to seek You first and Your righteousness. We know that if we do, You will always provide. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

Friday, June 5, 2015

Psalm 9:17 - The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God

“The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.”

Psalm 9:17

Lord, help us. Help the wicked to be able to see that they have sin in their lives and that they need to get their hearts right with you. We don’t want anyone to go to hell. Give them spiritual eyes to see and spiritual ears to hear. And may they willingly give their lives to you. And, Lord, be with our nation. Our nation appears to be forgetting God more and more all the time. This is scary. You were the foundation of America up into the 1960s. You were in our schools. Teachers were free to teach the truths that are in Your Word reading right from the Bible. They were even encouraged to. Our presidents, senate, and congress often honored You and Your Word. People had morals. They knew right from wrong. And You blessed our nation richly. You made us became the greatest economic and technology advanced nation on the face of this Earth. This is no longer so. People’s morals are fading fast. They don’t seem to care what is right and what is wrong. They do whatever they want to. It is so sad. Teachers can no longer share the Word with their students. We have generations of people that have no clue about what life is really all about. They don’t know that You created the earth and everything in it. They don’t know that You created them in their mother’s womb and knew them before they were born. They don’t know that You loved them enough to send Your only begotten Son Jesus to this earth so that they could have eternal life. They don't know that if they don't accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and repent of their sins that they will go to hell. They believe the lie of the land, that everyone goes to heaven when they die. This is not so. Some know, but don’t care. Sin is now an acceptable part of life. We need you Lord! Our nation needs You! May America wake up before it is too late! May we get back to You and Your Word. Do a miracle in our land, beginning in the church. Raise up godly leaders that will truly do what is best for our nation … leading us back to You. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.    

Thursday, June 4, 2015

1 Corinthians 5:11 - Be careful who you sup with

“But now I have written to you not to keep company with anyone named a brother, who is sexually immoral, or covetous, or an idolater, or a reviler, or a drunkard, or an extortioner—not even to eat with such a person.”

1 Corinthians 5:11

Today’s verse sounds harsh. It doesn’t sound loving or kind to many in the church body today to not keep company with someone that claims to walk with God but is living in darkness, instead of in the light. We often hear that we shouldn’t judge, that God is the only one that can Judge. He is the Judge. But He has given us His Word so that we can see, understand, and obey it as well. There is a difference. This isn’t judging. This is love. The simple fact is that it is much less loving and kind to tolerate a sin or sins in someone that confesses to live for Jesus Christ. If you continue to sup with them, be closely knit to them and carry on like they are doing nothing wrong this means that we are not doing the will of God. They won’t be the only one in the wrong, now we will be in the wrong as well.

After looking at today’s verse, we need to examine a few things. The first thing we should examine is ourselves. Are we being sexually immoral? Are we being covetous? Are we an idolater? Are we a reviler? Are we a drunkard? Are we an extortioner? If we are doing any one of these things, this means that our lives are not right with God. It also means that the body of Christ (believers) shouldn’t be keeping company with us. They shouldn’t be eating with us. It also means that we need to confess our sin (or sins) to Him, repent, and allow the Holy Spirit to mend our relationship with Him, making it right. Nothing is more important. Nothing! No matter how much you love the sin that has control of you, it is not worth hanging on to. Let it go! Your spiritual life is at stake. Another thing we should check is who we spend company with. Are any of our so called “Christian friends” sexually immoral? Are any of them covetous? Are any of them an idolater? Are any of them a reviler? Are any of them a drunkard? Are any of them an extortioner? If they are, then we need stop keeping such close company with them. We can still love them. We can still pray for them. We just can’t be their “best friend” any longer. His Word even says that we are not to even eat with them. The wisest thing we can do is pull back on the relationship, letting God be God and allowing Him to do the work that He wants to do in their lives. When they repent and truly come back to the Lord, we can pick up where the friendship left off. Again, this sounds harsh. You may feel that doing so would make you unkind/mean as you love them so much. I understand. I have been there. It is hard to do. But it can be done. Trust in His wisdom, not your own. 

Father, You have set up a standard. May we follow it. We realize that we are not to pull back from those that are in the world. They need us. They need to see the way, the truth, and the life. They need to see Your love and acceptance for them through us. Cause their hearts to be open to You and Your love. If we have any sin in our lives, may You reveal our sin(s) to us so we can confess it/them as sin, repent, and allow the Holy Spirit to get us right with You once again. May whatever has a hold on us, have a hold on us no longer. Set us free. And, Father, if we are keeping company with a brother/sister that we shouldn’t be, may we heed Your instructions and pull back on the relationship. Do a work on their heart, bringing them back to You. We want them to have and experience a sweet fellowship with You once again. It is also our hearts desire that they be restored to a fellowship with us as well. We love them. We put our trust in Your wisdom, not our own. Be God and do Your thing, just what You do best. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen. 

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

2 John 1:9 - Fellowship with God

“For if you wander beyond the teaching of Christ, you will not have fellowship with God. But if you continue in the teaching of Christ, you will have fellowship with both the Father and the Son.”

2 John 1:9

It is so important that we have fellowship with God. He wants our friendship, love, respect and company. He wants us to be completely associated with Him. He wants us to walk in a partnership with Him as we go about our every day lives. And to do this, it is very important for us to continue in the teaching of Jesus Christ. If we continue in His teachings, we will have fellowship with both the Father and the Son. This is what really matters in this life. This means that we need to be “walking the walk,” and not just “talking the talk.” It is not just what we “know” that makes us right with Him, it is what we “do.” Actions speak louder than words. We need to be “walking” in the light as He is in the light. We can’t be dabbling in darkness and expect to be walking in the fellowship of Christ. 1 John 1:6 says “So we are lying if we say we have fellowship with God but go on living in spiritual darkness. We are not living in the truth.” Live in the truth. Continue in the teaching of Jesus Christ. Walk in the light. Treasure the fellowship you have with both the Father and the Son. You will be blessed.

Father, may I always continue in the teaching of Christ. It is my hearts desire that I forever have and enjoy fellowship with You. Keep me in the light as You are in the light. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Psalm 139:16 - Your life has been preordained

“Your eyes saw me when I was formless; all my days were written in Your book and planned before a single one of them began.”

Psalm 139:16

We have a preordained life! Nothing comes as a surprise to God. God knew about everything that was going to happen to us before we were even born. They were all written in His book. God has even pre-appointed our blessings. We have an eternity in heaven to look forward to. A simple truth is that we can be “at home” in our hearts right now, wherever we are at. “Home” is the will, plan and purposes of God for our lives. Nothing can happen to those who love the Lord that God doesn’t allow for some reason. I can remember getting in a car accident on New Years Eve one night with my oldest daughter Brittney. We slid in the snow after some deer ran out in front of us. We ended up in a ditch. We had to wait for a tow truck to come and get us out. We had to wait a long time. One thing that astonished me was how “at home” I felt in my heart as we waited. We weren’t impatient, freaked out, fretting or anything. Our hearts were “calm” and we were “at peace.” Why? The presence of the Lord was with us. It made all the difference in the world. I don’t know what you are going through. Be aware of His presence. Let your heart enjoy being “at home.” Live each day with Christ. Accept what comes. God uses all things for our good, even the bad things that come our way. Our lives were preordained. They are written in His book.

Father, May we always be “at home” in our hearts. “At home” with You that is. We know that “home” is the will, plan and purposes of God for our lives. Thanks for the encouragement You have given us today. We love You! In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

Monday, June 1, 2015

2 Timothy 3:13 - Pursue a godly life in the midst of evil

“evil men and impostors will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived.”

2 Timothy 3:13

It is sad to say but the Word of God tells us that “evil men and impostors will grow worse and worse.” We see this happening more and more all the time. The Word also informs us that they will both deceive others (be able fool others and make them believe something that is contrary to the truth) and they themselves will be deceived. How sad. Those that desire to live a godly life will suffer. 2 Timothy 3:12 says “Yes, and all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution.” God’s Word instructs us to continue in the things we have been taught and know. It is also important that we remain in His Word, reading His Holy Scriptures daily. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 says “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.” Reading God’s Word helps us to receive our much needed spiritual nourishment from Him. It is profitable for our soul, our doctrine. It gives us reproof. It corrects us, straightening us out, making us right with Him. It instructs us in righteousness. It helps us to be complete, whole. It helps us to be “thoroughly equipped for every good work.” Be encouraged today. Keep in His Word. Meditate on it. Apply it to your daily life. It will give you strength and encourage you to live a godly life, despite what is going on all around you.

Father, the evil in this world is so widespread. It is growing worse and worse all the time. Your people are suffering for their righteousness, just as Christ suffered. Men are deceiving others and they themselves are being deceived. May we not be fooled. May we be able to discern the truth, praying accordingly. Keep us close to Your Word. May we read it daily. May it make our doctrine sound. May it reproof us. May it correct us if we are in the wrong so we can get our hearts right with you. May it instruct us in walking in Your righteousness. May it help us to be complete so that we are thoroughly equipped for every good work. Strengthen us in these evil days. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.