Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Matthew 26:52 - Those who live by the sword die by the sword

“all who take the sword will perish by the sword.”

Matthew 26:52

I was scrolling through my Facebook newsfeed this morning and came across a photo. It shows three men holding bible and they are hitting a man that is down on the ground with it. The caption says “If you’re using the bible to hurt other people, you’re using it wrong.” It goes on to say “Love does no harm to its neighbor, therefore love is the fulfillment of the law” (Romans 13:10). God gives us the Word. It is for us to analyze and take to heart, applying it to our everyday lives. The Word inside of our hearts will make us more and more like Him. We will reflect more and more of His goodness. We are to walk in His love and mercy and to extend that grace with others. Our pure and genuine heartfelt love for them will be used to open their hearts and draw them to Him. We are to share Jesus and His love (the Good News of the gospel) with them. This is Good News. Using the Word as a sword in their life to cut them at the heart over and over again can actually cause their heart to harden and turn them away from Him as it inflicts so much pain. It can make them feel that they can never measure up and make it into the pearly gates. Then they will not only need Christ to save them, but they will also need Christ to heal them from the pain that you have inflicted. Let your love shine through everything you say and do. Jesus had compassion for the people, even the woman that had been caught in the act of adultery. May we have compassion on people as well. If you know something in their life that is in error, pray. Pray that God Himself will make Himself and His truths known to them. Pray that they get their hearts right with Him. People can receive God’s truth and ways when it comes from Him. For when He reveals something to us, even if it is chastisement and His disciplining us, we can receive it because we know that He is love.

Father, may we use the Word to make a difference in our own lives. May we walk in love at all times and pray and intercede for others. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

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