Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Colossians 3:16 - I hope in You and Your Word

“Let the words of Christ, in all their richness, live in your hearts and make you wise.”

Colossians 3:16

Today’s Thought is something that the Lord pointed out to me recently. He gave me a confirmation about it in His Word this morning. As many of you know I have Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia. I was at stage 0. Now I am at stage 1. My white blood cell count more than doubled when I went back to the doctor in December. Praise God the white blood cells stopped going up when I went back to the doctor in March. The white blood cell count even went down. Hallelujah! I have been on a ketogenic diet as carbs and sugars cause cancer to spread. I have been taking turmeric as that is supposed to attack the cancer cells. I have been spending money on some other supplements that I read about in health magazines as well. I have even been spending money on essential oils to rub on my feet. About a week or so ago the Lord impressed it upon my heart that I wasn’t supposed to put my hope in all those things. He told me that I was to put my hope in Him and His Word. There was a woman in the bible that had gone to the doctor because she was suffering from bleeding for 12 years. She had spent all she had on doctors, yet could not be healed by any of them. She heard of Jesus and decided to approach Him from behind. She touched the tassel of His robe. Luke 8:44 says that “Instantly her bleeding stopped.” Psalm 71:5-6 says “O Lord, you alone are my hope.” It goes on to say in these verses “I’ve trusted in you, O Lord, from childhood. You have been with me from birth; from my mother’s womb You have cared for me.” Psalm 119:74 and Psalm 119:81 both say “I have put my hope in Your Word.” Just as I take my supplements each day and doctor my feet, I am to take the healing Scriptures that are in God’s Word and say them out loud. I am even to pray them. May His Word not return void but accomplish all that it is sent out to do. My hope is to be in Him and His Word. This means that I don't need to go to the health foods store and get more and more supplements. I have Him and His Word. There is nothing more powerful to combat the cancer cells than that!

Father, thank You for being You. Thank You for being our hope. We have trusted in You from childhood. You have been with us from birth. From our mother’s womb You have cared for us. May You continue to care for us. We put our hope in You and Your Word. Make us well. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

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