Friday, April 10, 2015

Hebrews 11:2 - Leaving a legacy

“For by it the elders obtained a good testimony.”

Hebrews 11:2

Hebrews 11 tells of many people that died that had great faith. Their lives still speak to us today. We can still learn and glean spiritually from them. We can also learn from other believers that have gone on to be with the Lord that had great faith. Some of these are David Livingstone, Corrie Ten Boom, Fannie Crosby, and Amy Carmichael. You can read about these people and their lives from various bibliographies that have been written. You will be in awe and marvel at all the Lord did in and through them, which will cause your faith in Him to grow and encourage you to let Him do great things in you as well. Maybe you were fortunate enough to have a grandparent or parent that had great faith. Even though they have gone on to be with the Lord, their lives still encourage you in the faith to this day. Faithfulness to the Lord greatly enriches the lives of all the people they come in contact with. It leaves a legacy that gets carried down. Now it is our turn. We need to be faithful to the Lord. He is wanting us to leave a legacy for those that come after us. Desire to leave a “good testimony” to those that come after you. Let your life live on.

Lord, thank You for all those that have gone before us. Their lives have made an impact on our spiritual lives and spiritual wellbeing. They were faithful to You. They achieved a “good testimony” and, therefore, left a legacy. Father, use us here on this Earth today. Help us to be faithful to You. May our lives not be lived in vain, but may they  accomplish all You want them to. We want to leave a “good testimony” and legacy for those that follow after us. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

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