Friday, April 24, 2015

Isaiah 41:13 - God holds our right hand

“I the Lord your God hold your right hand.”

Isaiah 41:13

One of the nice things about children is that they love to hold your hand when you are sitting or walking. Joy floods our hearts when they do this. One of the sad things is that they often outgrow the desire to hold our hand when they get older, just as you outgrew holding your loved ones hand when you were a little child. Holding your parents and grandparents hands made you feel secure, safe, free from harm. It was reassuring to us of them and their love. Something special happened between the two of you because you were joined hands. You shared an intimacy, a bond. God wants to bless you today. He tells you that He, the Lord your God, holds your right hand. What a beautiful thought. He goes on to say in Isaiah 41:13 “I the Lord your God hold your right hand; I am the Lord, Who says to you, fear not; I will help you!” So this verse tells us that He is the Lord. He holds our right hand. And we do not have to fear anything for He will help us. We can feel secure, safe, free from harm because of Him and His love. Something special happens between the Him and us because He is holding our hand. We share an intimacy, a bond with one another. Fear not. God is holding your right hand. He will help you.

Father, thank You for holding my right hand, just knowing this blesses my soul. Thank You for Your reassuring words that tell me to fear not. I need not fear about the future or about what may happen. Thank You also for Your promise that You will help me. Bless You Lord, today. May You be high and lifted up. Thank You for the song “Precious lord, Take My Hand.” The verses in the song are my prayer to You today. 1) Precious Lord, take my hand, lead me on, help me stand; I am tired I am weak, I am worn; Through the storm, thru the night, lead me on to the light, take my hand, precious Lord, lead me home. 2) When my way grows drear, Precious Lord, linger near; When my life is almost gone, hear my cry hear my call, hold my hand lest I fall; Take my hand, precious Lord, lead me home. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

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