Tuesday, April 14, 2015

2 Chronicles 16:9 - Send a revival

“God is always on the alert, constantly on the lookout for people who are totally committed to Him.”

2 Chronicles 16:9 (The Message Bible)

Over a century and a decade ago, in 1905, there was a worldwide revival. It all began with a young college student from Wales. His name was Evan Roberts. He had eyes of faith for a great revival. He was totally committed to the Lord and sought Him in prayer to know just what He wanted Him to do. The Lord directed him to return to Loughor. He preached to 17 people. His sermon had 5 main points. 1) Confess any known sin that you have in your life to God. 2). Put away any wrong you have done to others and make it right with Him as well as them. 3) Put away any doubtful habits. 4) Obey the Holy Spirit’s leading promptly. And 5) Confess your faith in Christ openly. God rewarded Evan Robert’s faithfulness. By the end of one week, 60 had come to the Lord, igniting a revival. The revival spread and in three months 100,000 converts were added to the churches in Wales. Here in the states in the great Tennessee Mountains there also was a revival that year. Scores of people were converted. Many of the churches that are in those very mountains today were started in the 1905 revival. Asia also experienced a great revival. God is still on the alert today. Today’s verse says that “God is always on the alert, constantly on the lookout for people who are totally committed to Him.” He wants you to be totally committed to Him. He wants to use you to make a spiritual difference in the lives of those around you that will change the world. Let Him.

Lord, may I be totally committed to You. Each of us are called to be ministers of the gospel. Reveal to me what my small part is and may it be used to ignite a revival. The souls of those that are in the world today are in desperate need of You. We thank You for the revival that took place in 1905.  We need a revival to spread across this world in our century too. Please, make this happen. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.  

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