Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Romans 13:9-10 Love does no harm to a neighbor

“You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ Love does no harm to a neighbor; therefore love is the fulfillment of the law.”

Romans 13:9-10

It is healthy for us to love ourselves. God doesn’t want us to have low self-esteems. Because of Christ He has made us somebody. We are not the scum of the earth. We are the cream of His crop. He has made us children of God and has grafted us into His very own family. We haven’t done anything to deserve this. It is only because of His great mercy, grace, and love. Each of us has physical and spiritual needs that need to be met daily. We often see to it that our physical and spiritual needs are met. This is good. God wants us to not only notice our needs each day but He wants to help us notice others and their needs as well. He wants to use us to help meet their needs. Loving others as ourselves actually means actively working to see that our neighbors’ needs are met.  Many times God would use us to help meet their physical needs. Other times He may use us to help meet their spiritual needs. He may have us care what our brothers and sisters are going through so that we can pray and intercede for them accordingly. He may give you a scripture to share with them. He may have you share your personal testimony with them. Or he may have you buy them a book, give them a hug, call them, text them, Facebook message them, or set up a time to get together with them. Just be sensitive to His Spirit’s leading. Christians that think of others throughout the day are usually the happiest as their thoughts are not just on them and themselves alone. Their thoughts are on Him and others. They no longer live just for themselves. They live for Christ and they lay down their lives for Him. They have a sense of purpose in their lives and that purpose is Him and doing His will. Keep your heart quieted before Him throughout the day. Be ready to hear from Him. He can still lead and guide us in this day and age. He wants to do this daily. Romans 13:10 says that “Love does no harm to a neighbor.” We wouldn’t want anyone to be rude, harsh, judgmental, critical, fault finding, or bitter with us. Would we? Then we should be sure not be this way with others either. May we walk in love (His love and ours working together) and therefore fulfill His law. May we love our neighbor as ourselves. May the fruits of the Spirit flow through our lives on to others. The fruits of the Spirit are “love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control. Against such there is no law” (Galatians 5:22-23). God’s Word says that there are three things that will endure—faith, hope, and love—and the greatest of these is love. God’s Word also says that “love never fails.”

Father, may we walk in love and therefore fulfill Your love. May we love our neighbors as ourselves. May the fruits of Your Spirit flow through our lives on to others. Your Word says that “Love does no harm to our neighbor.” Lord, help us to not bring harm to anyone we know and love. We want to bring glory to Your name. Thank You for Your promise that “love never fails.” Thank You that there are three things that will endure—faith, hope, and love. We thank You that love is the greatest of these three. You are a God of love. You are love. May we walk in Your love too. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
, giving thanks for Your presence in our lives. Work all things out to our good. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

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