Friday, January 2, 2015

Psalm 28:7 - The Lord helps is my strength and shield

“The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusted in Him, and I am helped; therefore my heart greatly rejoices and with my song I will praise Him.”

Psalm 28:7

I am so excited this morning as I have come across this scripture. This scripture speaks volumes to my heart and I feel the Lord has given this scripture to me to cling to this coming year. As many of you know I have chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). A normal white blood cell count is 4-10. Six months ago my white blood cell count went up and was 32. A little over a week ago it doubled and is now 77. This is not good. After some research I learned that people with cancer should be on a ketogenic diet. Sugar (including natural sugars—like in fruit) and carbohydrates feed cancer and causes it to grow. The health professionals recommend that you eat mainly non-starched vegetables, eggs, cheese, nuts, fish, poultry, ham, sausage, bacon and red meat. I go back to the doctor in three months and I am putting my trust in the Lord that He will bring down my white blood cell count since I am no longer feeding the cancer and causing it to grow. Hearing the words “The Lord is my strength and my shield” encourages me in the faith. It assures me that He will help me stick to this diet. “[M]y heart trusted in Him” encourages me to put and keep my trust in Him. He is able and nothing is impossible with Him. “[A]nd I am helped” blesses me as I know that in my own self, my own willpower, my own strength it will be impossible to stick to this healthy eating plan, but He cares and He will help me do what I can’t do myself. “[T]herefore my heart greatly rejoices and with my song I will praise Him.” My heart truly does greatly rejoice. I do praise Him in song. I don’t know what you are facing this year. I don’t know what area you need a breakthrough in. But I pray that this Psalm bless you and be a verse you can personally cling to this coming year.

Father, You are our strength and shield. Our hearts trust in You. You are our friend, helper. Our hearts greatly rejoice in You and our lips praise You in song. Be with us this coming year. May good come out of everything we face. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

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