Tuesday, January 20, 2015

1 Corinthians 14:40 - Pray, yes, but heed His wisdom too.

“Let all things be done decently and in order.”

1 Corinthians 14:40

The Lord is impressing on my heart today that yes, we need to pray, but yes, we need to heed from His wisdom too. Some times people pray, pray, pray for different situations in their lives. We ask the church and others to pray for us too. This is good. God has called us to pray for one another. This is body ministry. I love to have people ask me to pray for them. It is a privilege and an honor. I’ll gladly do this. But sometimes God is trying to show us something that we can do to make the situations better too, which will bring His peace in our lives and replace all the chaos. Sometimes God wants us to change so the situation changes as well. He gives us spiritual wisdom and discernment. He reveals to us what is at the root of the problem. So instead of praying for the surface problems, you are praying for the root cause. Praying for the root cause is when God can truly help situations and move. Let me give you a personal example from my own life: I am married. I have a husband just like many of you do. I love and respect him immensely. He is a very good, godly man. Now he used to grumble and complain. (I admit … I used to too.) Now I could pray till I was blue in the face asking God to replace Dave’s finding fault, complaining, and grumbles with His love. And God could answer this. Or God could show me what was at the root of Dave’s problem so He can intervene and fix the problem. God ended up revealing to me that my husband is the happiest when there is a clean, clutter-free house. His heart is at peace then. He revealed to me that if the house is a disaster he finds fault, complains and grumbles. This would make life harder for me and the girls. Then I realized that it wasn’t just David and his faults … it was me and some of my faults as well. There was a reason David got like this and I was part of the problem. After working hard all day he liked coming home to a tidy, welcoming house. God showed me that there was something I could do that would fix this. I thank God that He gave me wisdom in the situation. He revealed to me that if I kept the house picked up that my husband’s heart would be at peace and that it would bring peace to the home. He told me that Dave was the head of the home and that I was to be his helpmate. I was to complete him, along with the Lord. I have been doing that and we have a lot more peace in our home. So before I use my gifts for the church, I make sure that my home and house is in order. Our home is our first calling. It is so important. We will be held accountable for this. I don’t know about you. I don’t know about the chaos that is possibly going on in your lives. But God does. He can reveal to you what is at the root of the problems so that you can pray accordingly. Sometimes He reveals the root problem and all you have to do is pray about that root problem. The key is to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit too. He may reveal something to you that you can do to improve the situations and bring about His peace as well. God is not the author of chaos, confusion, and problems. He is a God of peace and of order. 1 Corinthians 14:40 says “Let all things be done decently and in order.” Be encouraged today. God is Lord of all. He cares about you and you are the apple of His eye. He cares about what concerns you. He wants to help you and all your situations. Ask for His wisdom. Ask Him to intervene. He will help you if you are open to Him. Heed His wise advice.

Father, you see our many problems. You care about each and every one of them. Father, show us what is at the root of these problems so that we can pray about the root cause. Jesus spoke to the root truth. We want our prayers to speak to the root truth as well. We ask for Your supernatural wisdom. If there is anything we can do to help our situations and bring about Your peace, please reveal it to us. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

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