Monday, January 19, 2015

Deuteronomy 13:4 - Obey God's Voice and do His Will

“You shall walk after the Lord your God and fear Him, and keep His commandments and obey His voice; you shall serve Him and hold fast to Him.”

Deuteronomy 13:4

We are to walk after the Lord our God. We are to follow Him. We are not to direct Him and expect Him to bless whatever we ourselves decide we are going to do on any given day. We are to be willing to be flexible and to change our plans if that is what He wants us to do as we fear, revere, honor, and respect Him. We are to let Him be our Lord, the God who guides, directs, and instructs us. We are to obey His commandments and obey His voice. We are to serve Him, lay down our lives for Him, and hold fast to Him. Yesterday I had today all figured out. I knew just what I wanted to do and accomplish for the day, but when I sat down with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit this morning God impressed on my spirit that I wasn’t supposed to do some of those things I had planned. He wanted me to do something else. I knew immediately that I was to be flexible and to toss my plans out the window (so to speak). I needed to obey His voice and guidance for I am to serve Him and hold fast to Him and do what He says. His plans are now my plans and I am excited.

Father, we are to walk after You. We are to follow You. We are not to direct You and expect You to bless whatever we ourselves decide we are going to do on any given day. Yes we should make a list and try to get things done that need done, but if You want us to do something else may we be willing to be flexible and to set our plans aside. What really matters is if we do Your will each and every day. What You will is what’s most important. May we walk after You, Father, with all of our heart. May we fear, revere, honor and respect You. May we keep Your commandments and obey Your voice. May we serve You and hold fast to You as You are the one we love and You are the reason we live. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

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