Friday, March 20, 2015

Matthew 22:37 - We should love God even if He doesn't give us what we have asked

“You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.”

Matthew 22:37

God is our loving Father. He wants to bless us and to give us a good life. He wants us to know Him intimately. He wants us to love Him with all our hearts, souls, and minds. Just as our earthly father’s delight in being good to us. God does. And just as our earthly father’s discipline us for our own good. God does. The truth that God is speaking to my heart today is that He is loving, kind and good, but sometimes (just as our earthly father’s do) we don’t get everything we ask Him for. The question is … what does this do to our faith when this happens? What does this do to our love for Him? Does it change? Will we still love Him with all our heart, soul, and mind if He doesn’t do what we have asked of Him? We should love Him just as much if He says “yes,” or if he says “no,” just because He is our Father and we should respect Him. No matter how He answers us He is kind, good and worthy of our praise. He has our best interest in heart. We can trust Him.

Father, You are a very loving Father. Oh, how we love You. You answer so many of our prayers and we give You all the praise, the honor and the glory for this. Once in a while You don’t give us something that we have asked of You. When this happens may our love for You be the same. May we still hold on to our faith. May our walks not falter. May we still sing praises to You from the depths of our beings. May we still set aside quality time to sit at Your feet and learn from You, just enjoying Your fellowship and company. May we still sincerely follow after You with all that we are and all that is within us. You deserve our honor. You deserve our respect. We should always revere You. Thank You for being kind and good. You are worthy of our praise, worship, and adoration. May we worship You Lord and serve You only. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

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