Monday, March 9, 2015

John 15:14 - He calls me friend

“You are My friends if you do whatever I command you.”

John 15:14

Jesus calls us His friends if we do whatever He commands us to do. Do you consider God one of your dearest friends? Do you view Him as Someone who listens to your heart (prayers) and understands you fully. Or do you perceive Him as Someone that is harsh and has made up His mind about what you are going through before you even go to Him? Jesus had a reason for calling us His friends. He desires to be close to us. He wants us to call on Him at anytime, day or night. He is always ready to spend time in fellowship with you. Friends listen to one another. You can be real with them and vent to them if you must. Friends are there for each other during the good times and the bad. They find joy in being together. Jesus is all of these things and so much more. Make Him your best friend. Make it a habit to share your all with Him. It’s okay to still have other friends. They are gifts to us. Just get into the habit of going to Him first. He will satisfy your longings and fill your soul like no human on earth can do. He loves you and accepts you just the way you are. He will speak and minister to you. And, then, remember to do whatever He commands you to do. If you do, you are truly His friend. Hallelujah, we can be friends of God!

Father, thank You for making us Your friend. May we make You our best friend and go to You with all our innermost feelings. Thank You for accepting us and for satisfying our deepest longings. Guide and direct us and help us to do each and everything You command us to do. There’s nothing we want more in this life than to be a friend of You. In Jesus’ name we pray. 

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