Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Acts 26:19 - The Heavenly Vision

“I was not disobedient to the heavenly vision.”

Acts 26:19

Sometimes the Lord gives us a heavenly vision to run with. We make it our life’s aim to fulfill the call of God upon our life and find great joy in doing so. Other times the Lord gives us little heavenly visions. We don’t want to ignore those visions or be disobedient to them. It’s important to listen to His nudging thoughts to do something. It very well could be Him that is doing the nudging. These little heavenly visions can often be mistaken as our own thoughts and therefore we don’t do what He is calling us to do. Not because we are being disobedient, it’s simply because we thought it was us thinking it. Then later on that day we find out that we should have done what we were nudged to do as it was Him. It pains us when we find out it was the Lord that was leading us. Act on those nudging thoughts, especially if they are to do something that it good and can show someone that He cares and so do you. Be prepared in season and out of season to do good.

Father, may we be obedient to the heavenly visions that you give us to run with, both the big ones, as well as the little ones. Help us to act on the gentle nudges that you nudge us to do. May we act in and with faith. Help us not to shrug things of as though it is just one of our own thoughts. Our obedience will move the hand of God. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

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