Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Matthew 13:16 - Seeing and Hearing Spiritually

“Blessed are your eyes for they see, and your ears for they hear.”

Matthew 13:16

Jesus was a good listener. People were drawn to Him because of that. Jesus knew and understood the hearts of the people he met so people felt comfortable with Him. He loved people and He accepted them. That’s how the Lord listens to us today. He has eyes of love and He accepts us. Not only does He want to listen to what is on our hearts, He wants us to listen to Him. He wants to share His heart with us and wants us to hear His voice. Be sure to be listening throughout the day. He will speak to you. When the communication with Him is a two way street, we bond closer together. We become more intimately acquainted with Him. We learn that we can trust Him more and trust Him with each and every thing that life sends our way. Think of all the countless hours He has spent listening to our prayers through the years. Let’s be His friend and listen to Him as well. And may we become the good listener that He is with people too. May people be drawn to us because of that. May God give us wisdom on understanding the hearts of the people we meet so they can feel comfortable with us. May we have eyes of love towards people and accept them. Remember that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us. May we be a friend to sinners as well. Prayerfully, in His timing, they will be drawn to Him through our love. 

Father, thank You for giving us spiritual eyes that see and spiritual ears that hear. May we hear today what is on Your heart and pray, act, and love accordingly. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

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