“Jesus … was moved with compassion
for them, because they were like sheep not having a shepherd. So He began to
teach them many things.”
Mark 6:34
Yesterday, while reading God’s
Word I was looking at the story of the feeding of the five thousand. The Lord
ministered to my heart a different way and gave me some instructions on what I
was to do. Here Jesus saw a great multitude of people. He “was moved with
compassion for them.” The Word says that “they were like sheep not having a
shepherd.” Then “He began to teach them many things.” Just as I was reading
that He was “moved with compassion for them, because they were like sheep not
having a shepherd,” the Holy Spirit reminded me of all those that were on my
prayer list that are in need of salvation. He told me that they are “like sheep
not having a shepherd.” He told me that I should be “moved with compassion for
them.” He told me that they are in need of Him, the true Shepherd. He told me
that He needed my help and that I have a work to do. He revealed to me that I
should take these people under my wing and shepherd them in little ways. I am
to do this until they open their hearts and lives to Him, enabling Him to be their
shepherd. I am to call on them (take the time to visit them from time to time).
I am to get to know them personally, developing a relationship with them. I am
to pray for them daily and love on them, believing all the while in faith that
God will move in their hearts drawing them to Him. If, and when, opportunities
arise, I am to share God’s simple truths with them. Some people have no shepherd,
minister, godly influence in their lives. I am to be that person. Will you join
with me and be that person in the lives of the people on your prayer list that
don’t know Christ? I pray so. We are all called to be ministers of the gospel.
Maybe we aren’t to be one that preaches in the pulpit, but we are all called to
the work outside of the four walls of our church. And He has placed you right
where you are. He has put people in your family and around you that are in need
of a Savior. People need the Lord. Let’s pray that He reach them.
Father, today I am moved with compassion for those that You
have put into my life that have no shepherd. May I befriend them and make them
my friend. It is so easy to just hang around the godly people You have put in
our lives. May we not forget those that are unsaved. May we not leave them hanging.
May we care about their souls and reach out to them. May they be open to me and
my love. Open their hearts little by little to You. And, in time, may You begin
to give me opportunities to share your truth’s with them. My goal is to
disciple them, take them under my wing, pray for them, and love on them to the
best of my ability. And, in due time, I want them to accept Jesus Christ as
their Savior and allow You to personally Shepherd their soul’s. In Jesus’ name
I pray. Amen.