Thursday, May 7, 2015

Luke 14:26 - Love God above everyone else

“If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes, and his own life also, he cannot be My disciple.”

Luke 14:26

Jesus wants us to exclusively love the Father through Him. In comparing our love for Him to the love we have for our loved ones, we find out that we need to love Him more than we do those He has given us. He alone should be who we worship and live for. Should we love our loved ones, yes! It’s just that Jesus needs to hold first place in our lives. He even tells us that if we have our order turned around, we should hate this. It should bother us. We should make things right if they are not. He also informs us that we can’t be His disciples if we don’t love Him more.

Anyone that knows me knows that I love my family. My family is very dear to me. They also know that I love the Lord with all my heart too. I spend hours with the Lord each and every morning. I love this. I worship Him in song for as long as my heart delights, pray to him, read and meditate from my bible, and read many devotionals. My time with Him is sweet, and I am so thankful for our time together and the fellowship that we share.

The favorite years of my life have been those of being a wife and mother. I LOVE being a mom. I loved raising my girls and teaching them to truly know God and to apply God’s Word in their everyday lives. They are grown now and are both in college. It is an absolute joy (and a humungous gift from the Lord) to have them home every summer. I get to be a “real momma” once again! Our time together is very special. This year was a little different though for me spiritually. I was used to having hours to sup with the Lord each morning. This year I was struggling, trying to find time to with my Lord. I would be trying to do this with someone else in the room. I was finding that I would hardly take in anything spiritually during my time with Him. I was doing it. I was doing the right thing. The same thing I always had, it was just that I was not getting anything out of it. I'm sure that He wasn’t getting anything out of it either. Sometimes I could go upstairs and shut my door, being alone with Him. This would work. But once in a while Dave would be home and he would be sleeping so I couldn’t. I have found that I need to be “alone” with Him for things to work. You may recommend that I get up early and do it. I did this sometimes. Sometimes it worked. And … oh … when they did I realized just how much I missed the closeness that we shared. I loved my time with my family, I even treasured it, it was good, but my very best friend in all the world was being shoved out of my life some. I didn’t like it. It hurt. I prayed about this as I could see that there was a problem. I asked the Lord to help there to be a balance in my life. I needed Him to make things work out for the summer. He has provided the answer to my hearts cry. I am so thankful. Nicole was given a job on first shift. Brittney was given the opportunity to work a split shift. She works a few hours in the late morning giving me time with her before she goes to work. Then, she comes home so we can all enjoy an early supper together. And, then, she goes back to work, leaving me time to be with Nicole. This leaves me several hours in the late morning and early afternoon to be alone with the Lord. Problem solved! God is good.

Be encouraged today. Love your family, thank God for them, but be sure to love the Lord even more. It will keep things right with Him, and then everything else will be blessed. Remember that we love others best when we love God most.

Father, we truly want to be Your disciples. We thank You for our family, friends, and loved ones. We love them with the love of the Lord. Help us to guard our relationship with You. Make our relationship with You happen. We want to love You above all. We also desire a balance in our lives. Please, Lord, make this happen. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.  

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