Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Exodus 19:4 - God freed us so that we would know and worship Him

“I … brought you to Myself.”

Exodus 19:4

God’s people were slaves in Egypt for quite a long time. In His love He decided to bring them up out of that lifestyle. He was going to take them out of bondage and lead them into the Promised Land, a land flowing with milk and honey. God did not deliver the Israelites from being slaves and lead them to the Promised Land just so that they could enjoy living in the Promised Land. He delivered them so that they would be brought to Himself. He wanted them to be free to worship Him with their whole hearts. He wanted them to have a real relationship with them so that they would know Him closely and intimately with them. We need to be careful in our day and age as well. We have so much in America. Many have the so called “American Dream.” Our refrigerators and pantries are full and packed with so much food. We have a roof over our head with heat in the winter and air conditioners in the summer. We have vehicles so we can travel anywhere we want. We have a sense of purpose and good jobs. We are blessed with family and friends. There are churches all around that we can attend to worship the Lord and get active and involved in. These are all blessings from the Lord. He has taken us up out of the muck and the mire of the world and has put us on solid ground. Many of us no longer are slaves to sin. Many of us no longer are in bondage. Many of us no longer have strongholds in our lives. We are to be grateful and thankful for all these things. We need to learn a lesson from the Israelites. God didn’t take us from being slaves to sin to just enjoy living our everyday lives high on the hog. He is glad that we want to go to church. This is good. He is glad if we decide to get involved in our church and its activities. This is good too. But we need to remember something. He delivered us from sin to bring us to Himself. He wants a relationship with us. In our freedom He wants us to take the time to worship Him, know Him closely and intimately, and even walk with Him. The question for today is … how is your relationship with Him? Are you close to Him? Can you honestly say that He is your best friend? If your honest answer is “no” you can do something about that today. God is my friend. If there is one thing that I know it is that He is always merciful. His Word says that His mercy endures forever. Come back to Him. He is waiting with open arms.

Father, thank You for all the blessings that You have given us. They are many. Today we want to thank You for bringing us to Yourself. Thank You for freeing us so that we can know and worship You with all our hearts. May we find joy in doing this each and every day. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

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