Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Genesis 2:7 - Dust

“And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.”

Genesis 2:7

My mother-in-law, whom I love dearly, once said that when she gets to heaven she is going to ask God where dust comes from and why we have it. She finds it hard to believe that she can dust her house one day and then the next day she can find dust on her furniture once again. If you are a lady, you can relate. It can be frustrating. God has a purpose for the dust that is in our world. From the very beginning there was dust. The first man, Adam, was even created from it. We could even go one step further and say that dust is a blessing from God. We wouldn’t be here without it. Dust is good. Did you know that without dust there would be no rain? Every drop of rain is gathered around dust. When the air is too clean, rain has a hard time forming. Dust is needed. If God hadn’t created dust, there would be no rain. If there was no rain, there would be no vegetation for the grass, plants and trees to get nourishment and grow. There would be no water to drink. You may have never thought of that. Dust also contributes to the gorgeous sunrises and sunsets that we see. Without dust, the beauty we see at both the beginning and ending of each day would be withheld from us. After learning how dust is important, be encouraged not to get frustrated with it the next time you see it on your furniture. Give thanks for it instead. You may have always thought it was insignificant (I did), but it is not. It is very significant to God and for life.

Father, You have a plan and a purpose for everything You created. We may know always know what Your plan or purpose is, but we can trust You and Your wisdom. Today we may have learned about the importance of dust, maybe someday we may find out the importance of flies, flees, ticks and mosquitoes. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

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