Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Luke 12:34 - Spend time with God

“Wherever your treasure is, there your heart and thoughts will also be.”

Luke 12:34

What do you spend most of your free time doing? If we looked at all the minutes of our day, we would see where our heart truly lies. Is it in making more money and getting ahead? Is it in spending a lot of time cleaning your house and making it presentable? Is it in family time, activities and responsibilities? Is it in making time to be with friends? Is it in watching television? Is it in being on the phone or internet? Is it in exercising? Is it in your favorite hobbies? These things are all things that we can do, they are not wrong in and of themselves, but we have to make sure that our heart’s focus doesn’t shift from God and focus solely on them. He still deserves our time. He still deserves to be worshipped. Where a man’s treasure is, there his heart will be also. God should be our treasure. Our relationship with Him should be our number one joy in each and every day. Everything else that we do should stem from our relationship and time with Him. As we schedule things on our calendar, let’s be sure to make and take time to fellowship with the Lord. Just take the time to be with Him. Not for a handout or for what He can give us, but for a special time of being alone with Him. One thing is for certain, one never regrets the time they spend with the Lord. It is always worth it, beneficial. Let’s be sure to keep God as our heart’s treasure.

Father, each day is a gift from You. Please help us to take the time to fellowship with You each and every day. There are many things that need done, but may we always make and take time to be with You. You should be the #1 joy in our lives. Everything else should stem from that. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.   

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