Friday, May 22, 2015

John 14:6 - The truth

“Jesus said to him, ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.’

John 14:6

America is trying to take the existence of God and the “truth” that is written in His Word out of our society. The society at large seems determined to destroy every last remnant of the peoples belief in what is actually the real, living truth. It is sad, but some Christians are even being besieged by the deception that is in the world. The world and it’s belief system is infiltrating their minds, hearts and lives. They are twisting what God says in His Word to be wrong and evil, and making it seem right and acceptable. Instead of the “absolute whole truth” that we can learn about in His Word, there seems to be “partial” truth, “half” truth, “debatable” truth, “near” truth, “a little white lie” truth, and now there is even “what you believe to be true is true” truth. People can form, make, and believe their own way and that can be their “truth.” This can guide them in their lives. Those in the world do not want the “truth” to exist. In John 18:37 Jesus said that He Himself came to this earth “to testify to the truth.” He testified in His life, and testifies now, to the truth, the way, and the life. We can’t take the “truth” out of our society. To do this will totally ruin and destroy our land. We need the “truth” to understand everything. It helps us to know and understand the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. It helps us in our relationship with them. It teaches us how we can obtain our salvation and live with Him both now and forever. It helps us to understand the Bible, what is written in it, what is right and what is wrong. It helps to form our conscience, making us sensitive to Him, His Word and His Spirit. It helps us to know what is good for us and what isn’t. It helps us to walk in the light and to be able to see things as He see’s them so that we aren’t deceived by Satan, as well as others. It also helps us to live our life in the Spirit as there is always a spiritual battle going on inside of us (between the flesh and the spirit). It also helps us with the spiritual battle that we are engaged in by living in this world. God is truth! He is the way! He is the life! We can only get to Him and heaven through Jesus Christ His Son. He created everything. He created us all. And the truth is that there can only be one absolute truth. And this one absolute truth can only be found in His Word. Let’s pray for America. We need both God and His Word in our society!

Father, You are the way, the truth, and the life. We were founded as a Christian nation. Our belief system was in line with the Word of God. Right was right and wrong was wrong. Honesty and integrity was important for all. Now our American society is trying to accept wrong as right. They are trying to take You and the Word of God out of everything. They want a separation between the church and the state. Sin is increasing rapidly. Sometimes it even infiltrates the church. Lord, this makes us sad. Our spirits are grieved. It hurts and pains us to see our nation change.  You blessed America. We were a “city on a hill.” It is getting darker and darker all the time. Please have mercy on us. Many in our nation love, worship, and live for You. Please war in the heavenlies on Your children’s behalf’s. Don’t let those under the influence of the evil one be able to decide what is best for our land. Raise up a standard. May they choose to honor You and Your Word. May people begin to pick up and read the Word of God that they have in their homes. May they align their belief system with the “truth” that is written in it. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen. 

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