Monday, December 8, 2014

Psalm 55:22 - Do your best to get out of the pit

“Cast your burden on the Lord, and He shall sustain you; He shall never permit the righteous to be moved.”

Psalm 55:22

Anxiety is not good. It destroys our peace, clouds our perception, consumes our thinking, causes mental agony, and takes away our joy. It is during these times that we need to cast our burdens on the Lord. His Word tells us that if we do this He shall sustain us and we won’t be moved. Have you ever cast your burdens on the Lord only to pick them up again? Sometimes casting our burdens on the Lord is a struggle and very hard to do. It is hard for us to let go. It is hard for us to get those thoughts and problems out of our minds. But we must fight and war in the spirit. We are in a spiritual battle. We need to pick up our spiritual weapons and use them. We can pray in the Spirit at the Spirit’s leading, we can praise and worship Him, we can seek His face, and we can cling to His Word and use it. The enemy would like nothing more than to keep us in a pit. Don’t wallow in that pit. Get up out of it. I know that I had to do this just today. There was a situation that popped up. A couple of us prayed about about the decision and asked for wisdom in what to do. The Lord was good and gave us wisdom. But just knowing that someone was “stewing inside” and not happy kept me down and all I wanted to do was to lay in bed and ponder the situation over and over again. It was like I was in a pit and couldn’t do anything. Finally, I decided once and for all to give it all to the Lord and to trust Him for the outcome and for taking care of someone’s heart and attitude. I grabbed my devotionals and read them, praised the Lord in song, prayed in the Spirit at the Spirit’s leading, etc. I found out that He is faithful and He did sustain me. I also found out that He wouldn’t allow me to be moved. I don’t know if you are anxious today. But if you are anxious and if you are in a pit do your best to get up out of it. Use your weapons. They are mighty!

 Father, we know that anxiety is not good. It destroys our peace in You, clouds our perception and spiritual eyes, consumes our thinking, causes mental agony, and takes away our joy. Lord, You do not desire this for us. May we cast our burdens on You once and for all. You are trustworthy and we can trust You with everything. We can trust You with the outcomes. You know what is best for everyone. Do a work, Lord. May we not be moved. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

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