“Now after Jesus was born … wise men from the East came to Jerusalem , saying ‘Where
is He who has been born King of the Jews? For we have seen His star in the East
and have come to worship Him.’”
Matthew 2:1-2
The wise men saw the signs in the
sky and knew that the infant King had been born. They wanted to join in the
heavenly worship of Him so they gathered their gifts and set off to follow the
star in the sky so they could find Him. Unlike the shepherds, they probably
didn’t see Jesus until He was about two. They must have traveled for quite some
time. They saw a young child rather than an infant. And saw Him in a “house”
instead of a “stable.” The wise men were an important part of the celebration
that surrounded our Savior’s birth. They represent the Lord’s great ability to
reveal His Son to those that were not necessarily Abraham’s descendants but
still wanted to choose for themselves to worship the Son of God. Through your
own seeking, you became part of the heavenly symphony that worships and adores Jesus.
God revealed His Son to you and you personally accepted Him into your heart and
life. You have joined the great multitude in never ending worship.
Father, we thank You that from the very beginning You were revealing
Your Son to others and drawing them to You. We still have people in this day
and age that need to know You too. Draw them to You, Father. Reveal Yourself to
them and make You Son known to them. We want others to come to know You like we
do. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
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