Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Luke 13:5 - Repent or Perish

Today’s Thought is taken from All to Jesus by Robert J. Morgan.

“No, I tell you; but unless you repent, you will all perish.”

Luke 13:5

Years ago while working with the Billy Graham Crusades, I remember hearing Mr. Graham tell of a European performer who could juggle anything—pins, balls, flaming torches. He astounded both royalty and commoners, and was the star of the circus and the life of the party. Growing older, this man decided to move to America, and he hit upon a novel scheme of converting his wealth into portable form. He sold his home, cashed in his accounts, and purchased a beautiful jewel. It represented all he had. Materially speaking, his entire life was contained in that jewel. One day aboard deck, he offered to amuse his fellow passengers. Taking the stone, he tossed it into the air and caught it. He tossed it again, this time a little higher. His audience gasped as it glittered and gleamed in the sunlight. With absolute confidence in his abilities, the juggler threw it higher into the air. It flew upward as straight as an arrow, glittering in the sunshine. Suddenly the ship lurched, and the jewel plunged into the water and sank to the bottom of the ocean. He had gambled with the totality of his life and lost. It is possible to gain the whole world but lose our own souls; that’s why Jesus preached repentance. If we do not turn from our sins to Him, we gamble with our eternal destiny.

While we of every sin repent,
Let our remaining years be spent
In holiness and sweet content

--Ancient Greek Hymn

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