Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Psalm 119:168 - Replace our Bad Habits with Good Ones

“I keep Your precepts and Your testimonies, for all my ways are before you.”

Psalm 119:168

Our heavenly Father knows everything that we do. Our ways (as in “all my ways are before you”) can be our habits. God sees our habits, whether they are good habits or bad. He is looking to see if we obey (keep) His commandments and decrees. Most of our struggles in life are related to our habits. Some of these habits can be with the tongue: gossiping, slandering, cursing, lying, complaining, grumbling, being negative, fault-finding, and critical, as well as saying things in fits of anger. Some of these habits can be unhealthy addictions: smoking, drinking, taking drugs, overeating, choosing the wrong kinds of friends, watching things on television that you shouldn’t, listening to unedifying music and viewing pornography. Other habits can include: sleeping in too late, laziness, cracking your knuckles and nail-biting. God wants to replace all our bad habits with good ones (things that are good for our spiritual wellbeing). This includes reading our bibles every single day, meditating on His Word (hiding it in our hearts), praying, worshipping Him in song, going to church each week, surrounding ourselves with godly people, attending various bible studies and getting involved in a small group. Psalm 119:161-168 can help us with replacing the bad habits and replacing it with good habits as well. We fear God’s Word and are in awe of it (vs.161). We rejoice at His Word and consider it a great treasure (vs. 162). We hate and abhor lying but love His law (vs. 163). We praise Him throughout the day (vs. 164). We have His great peace because we love His law (vs. 165). Because we love His law and have His great peace we don’t stumble (vs. 165). We obey and keep His commandments as we love them exceedingly (vs. 166-167). And we know that He sees all our habits (vs. 168). 

Father, May we fear Your Word and be in awe of it. May we rejoice at Your Word and consider it a great treasure. May we hate and abhor lying but love Your law. May we praise You throughout the day. May we have great peace because we love Your law. Help us so that we don’t stumble. May we obey and keep Your commandments, loving them exceedingly. We know that You see all our habits. May we stop having bad habits. May You replace our bad habits with good ones, ones that will help us in our spiritual walk with You. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

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