“… let God transform you into a new person …”
Romans 12:2
Every once in a while something
happens and you realize that God has changed you. 2 Corinthians 5:17 says “…
those who become Christians become new persons. They are not the same anymore,
for the old life is gone. A new life has begun!” This happened to me last week
when I was attempting to make baked corn. I had put the creamed corn and kernel
corn in a bowl and went to get the Jiffy cornbread mix. I bumped the bowl and
it went falling to the ground. Both the kernel and creamed corn went flying out
of the bowl. Corn was on the kitchen cabinets, the rug in front of the
cabinets, and the floor. The basement door was open and the corn was on the
steps that led down to the landing. There was even creamed corn on the wall
behind the back door (that leads down to the basement as well). My first
thought was one of shock. And then I had complete peace. I immediately remembered
that we should give thanks in everything for Ephesians 5:20 says “give thanks
for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.” So I
gave thanks. I looked into the bowl and there was still some corn in there. I
was thankful that at least that corn didn’t end up somewhere where I would have
to clean. I can remember thinking that if this had happened years ago I would
have complained and grumbled. I didn’t know that God had changed me. But this
showed me that He did. To that I am thankful. I can’t take any credit for the
change. God made me a new person. I am not the same anymore. The old life is
gone. A new life has begun.
Father, thank You for transforming us into new persons.
Thank You that we are not the same anymore. Thank You that the old life that we
used to live is gone. Thank You that a new life has begun in us. Continue to
change us where progress can be made. Make us more and more like Your Son.
Change us from the inside out by the power of Your love. We may not realize at
the time that You have done a work inside of us. But when certain things
happen, then we will realize and we will be eternally grateful and thankful. We
love You, Lord, with all our hearts. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
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