Thursday, November 6, 2014

2 Samuel 3:37 - May our actions line up with our words

“For all the people and all Israel understood that day that it had not been the king’s intent to kill Abner the son of Ner.”

2 Samuel 3:37

Joab found out that David had sent Abner away. Joab felt that Abner had gone to David to deceive him. He thought that Abner was trying to find out the king’s coming in and going out, and to know all that he was doing. Joab didn’t trust him so he sent for him. When Abner came back Joab took matters into his own hands. He took a knife and stabbed him in the stomach. Abner died. When David heard the news, he was displeased. He said “My kingdom and I am guiltless before the Lord forever of the blood of Abner the son of Ner” (2 Samuel 3:28). He went on to say “Let it rest on the head of Joab and on all his father’s house” (2 Samuel 3:29). David mourned for Abner. They buried him and at Abner’s gravesite David “lifted up his voice and wept” (2 Samuel 3:32). The people that were there wept too. Then David lamented in a song. The people wept over him some more. David also wouldn’t eat. The people were able to see for themselves that it wasn’t David’s intent at all that Abner was killed. David innocence shone brightly. David acted wisely to back up his words with how he was feeling. His words and his actions lined up. When our words and our actions line up, everyone benefits. Psalm 17:2 says “Declare me innocent, for you know those who do right.” May our innocence, as David’s innocence, always shine brightly.

Father, we try our best to walk with integrity before you. We can’t make other people’s decisions for them. They are going to do what they want to, but may we act wisely. May we back up our words with how we are feeling. May our words and actions line up. When our words and actions line up, everyone around us benefits. Declare us innocent, for You know we are always trying to do what is right. May our innocence always shine brightly. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

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