Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Acts 2:33 - Don't give up! Continue to be a good witness to the Lord Jesus Christ!

“we are all witnesses.”

Acts 2:33

Do you witness for Jesus Christ? According to the Word, we are all His witnesses. Make the most of every opportunity that You have to witness to others. Sometimes you may be tempted to get discouraged. Don’t. Self-pity is of the devil. He wants you to get discouraged and to quit being a light. Just continue to share Jesus and His love even if you may wonder if anyone’s listening or being impacted by what you say or do. We may insert our personal testimonies into our everyday conversations with others, we may share our faith on Facebook, we may give out scriptures to others that can help them in their walks with Christ and to deal with things that they are coping with and going through, we may give people bibles, we may give people Christian literature, we may share the gospel, and we may invite friends and family member’s to church, bible studies, church events, and dinner. We may not know if what we are doing is making a difference. Know today that it is. No good thing you do for the Lord is ever in vain. Only in heaven will we know how God has used our words and testimonies. We are all His witness. Be a good one!

Father, thank You for making us all Your witnesses. Help us to be good ones. Use us to bring others to You and a life with You. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen. 

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