Friday, October 10, 2014

1 Samuel 25:1 We should make our lives count

“Then Samuel died; and the Israelites gathered together and lamented for him.”

1 Samuel 25:1

Saul may have been the Israelites king, but the Israelites looked to Samuel as their spiritual leader. This is one reason why the Israelites gathered together and lamented for him. With Samuel no longer with them, Israel would be without a spiritual leader until David was made king. People today also look to spiritual leaders for wisdom, love, and a fresh word from the throne room of God. When a spiritual leader goes on to be with the Lord, they often leave spiritual footprints on the hearts of the people. Their funerals are filled to capacity and people often share personal testimonies of how the deceased blessed and impacted their lives. None of us know how long we are going to live on earth. We should make our lives count. God wants to raise us up to be spiritual leaders. He wants us to serve Him and others with His love. He wants us to spend time with Him each day so that our words are filled with wisdom, life. He wants us to share Christ and the revelations that He gives us with others. People in our day and age need to hear truths from God and His Words too. May we, His people, leave spiritual footprints on the hearts of those all around us.

Father, none of us knows how long we are going to live. We want our lives to mean something. We want them to make a difference in the lives of those around us. We want them to see Jesus and His love in us towards them. Samuel was a spiritual leader to the Israelites. May we be spiritual leaders in this day and age. We want to leave spiritual footprints on the hearts of the people You have given us to love. We want to bless and impact their lives for the gospel. Use us Lord.  We are Yours. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

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