Thursday, October 23, 2014

1 Samuel 30:6 - Strengthen yourself in the Lord

“Now David was greatly distressed, for the people spoke of stoning him, because the soul of all the people were grieved, every man for his sons and his daughters. But David strengthened himself in the Lord his God.”

1 Samuel 30:6

The Amelekites invaded Ziklag and burned it with fire. They took captive the women and those that were there. They didn’t kill anyone, but took them away. When David and his men came to the city they saw that the city had been burned with fire. They also realized that their wives, sons, and daughters had been taken captive. David and those that were with him lifted up their voices and wept. They cried till they had no more tears left. David’s two wives, Ahinoam and Abigail, had been taken captive. This pained David. These people were deeply grieved. And those that were with David spoke of stoning him. But David “strengthened himself in the Lord his God” (1 Samuel 30:6). When David was grieved and all the people had turned against him he went to the Lord his God. He strengthened himself in the Lord when no encouragement came from others. What a good example this is to us. We can go to the Lord ourselves and be strengthened by Him. We shouldn’t always need and crave the encouragement that from others. Yes, it is nice to be encouraged by our Christian brothers and sisters in the Lord. Their love lifts us up. But it is wisdom to rely on the Lord for this encouragement. This shows maturity. And His love for us can fill us till we overflow.

Father, thank You for Your love. Thank You that we can come to you any time day or night. You are always there. When we need strengthened in the Lord we should come to You. You will fill us with Your love and we will be strengthened by the power of Your Holy Spirit. Thank You Lord. In David’s case the people had turned against him. He was satisfied for he had You. You were enough for him. He cried out to You and You strengthened him in the Lord. Father, may we cry out to You. May You be enough for us. May our satisfaction come from our relationship with You. May the bond between You, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and ourselves be strong. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

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