Wednesday, September 3, 2014

1 Samuel 17:33 We need to have eyes of faith

“And Saul said to David, ‘You are not able to go against this Philistine to fight with him; for you are a youth, and he a man of war from his youth.’”

1 Samuel 17:33

Some people have spiritual eyes that see. Other people see only in the natural. God wants his people to have eyes that see. He wants them to have eyes of faith. When David first heard about the Philistine, he wasn’t afraid. He believed that God would give him the victory if he went up against him. Why didn’t Goliath frighten David? It was because David feared and loved the Lord more than he feared anything else. David’s brother, Eliab, was angry with David. He thought David was full of pride. When Saul heard about what David said he called for him. David told him that he would go and fight the Philistine. In the natural, Saul didn’t believe David could fight him. He saw that David was only a young boy. Then David told him that he used to keep his father’s sheep. He said that when a lion or a bear came and took a lamb out of the flock he went after it struck it, and delivered the lamb from its mouth. When the lion or bear arose against him, he caught it by its beard, and struck and killed it. David told Saul, “Your servant has killed both lion and bear; and this uncircumcised Philistine will be like one of them, seeing he has defied the armies of the living God” (1 Samuel 17:36). After this David said, “The Lord, who delivered me from the paw of the lion and from the paw of the bear, He will deliver me from the hand of this Philistine” (1 Samuel 17:37). Saul was impressed and told David to “Go, and the Lord be with you!” (1 Samuel 17:37). Oh, if only we had eyes of faith. If only we saw things through spiritual eyes and not the flesh, the natural. Oh, if only we feared and loved the Lord more than we feared anything else. What great and mighty things we would do. Let’s begin to look beyond what we can see and see what God sees. May faith rise up in us. Faith is the Holy Spirit’s signal to go into action. David exercised his faith in the Lord before he went into battle. Let’s begin to exercise our faith.

Father, we thank you for spiritual eyes that see. Help us to see through spiritual eyes, and not the flesh, the natural. May we fear and love You more than we fear anything else. Other’s may not understand us. They may see things only in the natural, but we ask that this not stop us from fulfilling Your plan for our lives. May we begin to look beyond what we can see and see what You see. May faith rise up in us. Faith is the Holy Spirit’s signal to go into action in the spiritual realm. May we begin to exercise our faith. May doubt and discouragement have no place in our lives. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.  

Kimberly Lenz, Care Ministry Coordinator
Solid Rock Community Church

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