Wednesday, September 10, 2014

1 Samuel 18:12 - No Weapon Formed Against You Shall Prosper

“Now Saul was afraid of David, because the Lord was with him, but had departed from Saul.”

1 Samuel 18:12

Sometimes when you walk closely with the Lord, others fear you as they see God’s hand of blessing is upon you. They feel “threatened” as they believe that people are going to like you more than they do themselves. Even if you love them with all your heart, they may develop a love-hate relationship with you. They want and need your love (your love may make them feel better), but the wrong feelings they have inside come to the surface in them and they may act out. Saul made David captain over a thousand. 1 Samuel 18:14 says that “David behaved wisely in all his ways, and the Lord was with him.” It went on to say in 1 Samuel 18:15 “Therefore Saul saw that he behaved very wisely, he was afraid of him.” So it tells us in 1 Samuel 18:12 and 1 Samuel 18:15 that Saul was “afraid” of David. Perhaps you have experienced this in your own life as well. You walked with God and the Lord was with you. Other people, and even other believers, saw this and they felt “threatened” by you and the power of God that is in you. They were jealous, envious, and even attacked you and your character personally. They may have spread lies about you so that other people wouldn’t like you anymore. People may have believed for a short time, but I believe the Lord reveals your innocence to all those that were lied to in His due time. Sin always comes to light. Know that God has plan and a calling on your life. He plans on using you and the gifts and talents that you have. His plan for your life can’t be stopped. The enemy may attack. Other people may stir the pot, but ultimately they will be the one to fall in it. These people need our love. They need our prayers. They are walking in darkness. One thing that was great about David is that David still loved Saul. He did not strike back. He ran, but the Lord protected him. When given an opportunity came for David to kill King Saul, David didn’t take it. Saul ended up eventually taking his own life. God protected David and he became King. Be encouraged today. God is raising you up. He has things for you to do. Walk with Him. He will protect you and you will fulfill all that He wants you to do.

Father, we love You and we love others. We thank You that Your hand of blessing is upon us. We thank You that You are with us. Some of us have had Christian brothers and sisters come against us. They became afraid of us because You were with us. They felt threatened by us because we could see in the Spirit and we walked with You. They were jealous because others liked us. But we thank You today that You were with us through it all. You took care of them and You took care of us. You are good in that way. You kept us safe and you proved our righteousness, right standing with You, and integrity in the end. And they did not stop God’s will from coming to pass in our lives. You deserve all the praise, the honor, and glory for this Lord. We pray for everyone that may be experiencing this right now. We pray that You be with them. We pray that any lies from the enemy be silenced. We pray that the persons righteousness, right standing with You, and integrity shine brightly and be evidenced by all. May Your will for them come to pass. Continue to be with us all Lord. Continue to fill and use us. And may you never ever ever depart from any of us. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

Kimberly Lenz, Care Ministry Coordinator

Solid Rock Community Church

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