Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Acts 17:6 - Turn your world upside down

"Paul and Silas have turned the rest of the world upside down ..." they shouted.
Acts 17:6

As soon as Jesus died, He sent His Holy Spirit to the believers. The baptism of the Holy Spirit set their hearts on fire. They carried the torch of the gospel everywhere they went. They weren't afraid to share their faith. Their hearts were not only set on fire, but they also made it their commision to set their world on fire for their Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! The gospel had transformed them from the inside out. They were made new in Christ. They were born again. They were not only born of water, but also of the Spirit. Their sins were gone and the only thing that mattered to them was proclaiming the news of Christ. Since they "carried the torch" everywhere, they ignited other hearts for Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit set them ablaze. Jesus was living within them. He walked among them. And He worked mightily through them. They were filled with the Spirit and they shared the Word with boldness, even if it meant persecution. It was said of them that they "turned the rest of the world upside down." It was not intended to be a compliment, but, yet, it was.
God still wants us to turn the rest of the world upside down. He doesn't want us to be lukewarm or complacent Christians. He wants us to carry the torch of the gospel everywhere we go. He doesn't want us to be afraid to share our faith.

Father, May You set our hearts on fire. May we make it our commission to set our world on fire for our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Help us to carry the torch of the gospel everywhere we go. May the Holy Spirit inside of us ignite other hearts for Jesus Christ. May Your Holy Spirit set them ablaze. May Jesus Christ come and live within them. May He walk among them. And may He work mightily through them. Help us to share the Word with boldness. May we not be afraid to share our faith with others. We know that we may be persecuted for doing so, but make us strong and courageous so we can withstand the persecution. Help us to "turn the rest of the world upside down," just like the early believers. Add to your kingdom daily! In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.

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