"Behold I make all things
Revelation 21:5
Have you
ever heard the saying that "If it sounds to good to be true, it probably
is." I have heard
this saying many times through the years. I have even said it myself. Doubt
comes into play when we hear this saying. We question it and wonder if it could
possible be true. But the nice thing about heaven is, is that it sounds
good, it is good, and it is actually true! We know this for it is in the Word
and we know that the Word of God is true and does not lie. We don't have to
question if we should trust it. It is a fact. We have something to look forward
to. At the dawn of eternity, Jesus will make all things new. Revelations 21:5
says “Look, I am making all things new!” (NLT). Everything will be made
right. There will be a new heaven, a new earth, and a new order of things.
The old order will pass away. Revelations 21-22 talks about the new city . It is a literal
place. It will have streets of gold and we will be there. We will walk
with Him, live with Him, and praise and worship Him along with
the heavenly angels. Revelations 21:3 says “Look, the home of God is now
among His people! He will live with them, and they will be His people. God
Himself will be with them. He will remove all their sorrows, and there will be
no more death or sorrow or crying or pain. For the old world and its evils are
gone forever.” We will also be with all those that have gone on to be
with the Lord. The city will be illuminated by so much light as the glory of
the Lord will shine all about. There will be a Crystal River
that flows. The tree of life will be there. I believe that God purposely put
Revelations 21-22 in the Word because He wants you and I to anticipate and look
forward to what is to come. Be encouraged today. Read Revelations 21-22 if you
have time. Maybe you are sad for one reason or another. Life isn't always
fair, and God didn't promise that it would be. But know that whatever has
you down, it will be quickly forgotten once you reach that celestial city.
You will cross the finish line and receive your reward. Jesus has
gone to heaven and is preparing a place just for you. You are special
to Him. He will come and get you when the time is
right. Remember heaven may seem too good to be true, but it is not. Look
forward to being there. Anticipate it.
Thank You for the hope of heaven. We look forward to being in Your presence and
worshiping You forever. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.